Pressing flower without bags vs with


Cultivators Club
May 31, 2023
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Don't have any bags so I pre-pressed by hand (in a high-ball/shot glass on parchment) and then pressed about an 1/8 of this stuff that was ~63% RH and was chopped ~6 weeks ago:

...about 3m at 190f , cranking it down in ~3 steps, got ~1/2g of this stuff:

What a pain to collect...used it all yesterday :baked:, but my question is what differences will there be if I use bags to press instead of just bagless with flower?
I've never pressed with out bags but do believe you should get higher yield and less plant material in the product. The bag I also going to make your presses more constant cause the bag will help hold form keeping the surface area the same threw the press
Thanks for the rep @Lil Dab :baked: ...first time, so just winging it.

Thoughts on bags for just flower these days?...seems like folks use all kinds of brands and microns; and it feels like I'd need to get a proper pre-press to use bags effectively as well :dizzy:
Thanks for the rep @Lil Dab :baked: ...first time, so just winging it.

Thoughts on bags for just flower these days?...seems like folks use all kinds of brands and microns

My thoughts are I don't press with out bags and don't know of any folks pressing higher amounts not using bags. For me pressing has become monotuanos so I try to simplify the process and press as much as I can at once. Less steps if you get what I mean. Like for instance I press the same amount of rosin but spend half the time pressing as I use too I went from pressing 14g to 28grams.

; and it feels like I'd need to get a proper pre-press to use bags effectively as well :dizzy:

I have a few homemade pre presses and don't use them any more just pack and form bags by hand. Pre presses are ok but my not nessceary by any means everything thing I've seen most guys start out using pre presses then eventually they stop using them.
Appreciate the feedback. Folks keep talking about cleaner, or filtering out plant material...Are we concerned about microscopic stuff; that first press of rosin seemed pretty clear?

I’ll be pressing larger amounts in the future, just went small for the first test since I’m winging it. I know folks have talked about bagless rosin possibly dirtying devices too, but how concerned are we…dirty how? People have mentioned coils...I have a Carta 2 I haven’t used yet but that doesn’t have a coil I don’t think. I’m coming from daily vaping, 95% with a Volcano, fwiw. I used an Ispire wand @ ~400-450f and the cups it came with on a bong for this first press yesterday, and it seemed like a full cleaning between new chunks of rosin was warranted, but I have no prior experience dabbing and no one close that does either :pass:.
With cured bud, you’ll get larger than microscopic pieces…. Fresher bud, like was said above will hold together better….

It’s really just about product quality.

Yes, the dirtier the rosin, the dirtier your atomizer will be. It’s really just about personal preference….

Also, if you want to press larger volumes, you’ll want the bags. There’s a point where it’s hard to get it all in the right spot without the bags.

Quick question….. why are you reluctant to use the bags in the first place? :pass:
Appreciate the additional input :toke:

Quick question….. why are you reluctant to use the bags in the first place? :pass:

I think it is a combination of things including:

1. Ignorance/not knowing enough or having enough experience with this.
2. Too much Lloyd Dobler in me at this point in life..." I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything...I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed."
Lloyd Dobler-sold, bought or processed [Say Anything] - YouTube

3. The variety of brands and microns and preferences is a lot.

Did you put it in the freezer prior to collecting? Makes it easier to work with…
Putting the parchment on the tile counter worked well (it hardened pretty fast)…but the collection tools were a little ridiculous to work with when it started cooling and I probably washed off a decent amount at the end:


I’m sure a hot knife or something would make a big difference.

don't know of any folks pressing higher amounts not using bags
if you want to press larger volumes, you’ll want the bags. There’s a point where it’s hard to get it all in the right spot without the bags
I think the amounts I want to press alone are likely the requirement for bags based on the feedback from you guys.

Choosing bags is my challenge now...I'll likely just get a pack of DP or NS 90s or 120s to start based on what I've read since I'm mainly planning on just squishing my fresh/cured flower in the short-term, unless anyone has specific recommendations on bag brand/sizes these days? :smokeout: