New Grower Potential underfeeding

Check with others, but I think that is the wrong approach, attitude, etc. You feed every other critical nute rather constantly and at rather good concentrations, to prevent deficiencies. Why is Ca and Mg different?

I and many or most other COB users use rather constant cal-mag feeding to prevent related deficiencies, with not using this regularly seemingly always leading to problems, with permanent damage done by the time you start to see cal-mag deficiencies.

I’ve been cautious using it as it was the reasoning my first grow went so downhill. Not a reason to stop it entirely at all, just wanted to simplify this grow as much as I could. I’m growing organic and the only cal mag cannabis focused amendment I can get at the hydro store isn’t, so didn’t want to use it if I didn’t have to. Maybe adding a minimal amount to every feed just to keep it in check will do.
Thanks bro
Here they are at day 41

...sucking up that P mate! Demand is at max right now, so do what you can ASAP and keep on it,... good that you talked with Hec', he's an amazing grower... did you see the 8+oz auto Big Bud he took down recently? :vibe: fooooooock,....!:bow:
Epsom salts seems to work ok for mg...I used to use it a lot before switching to a cal/mg combined nutrient. I was just adding a teaspoon full per gallon of water.
I’ve been cautious using it as it was the reasoning my first grow went so downhill. Not a reason to stop it entirely at all, just wanted to simplify this grow as much as I could. I’m growing organic and the only cal mag cannabis focused amendment I can get at the hydro store isn’t, so didn’t want to use it if I didn’t have to. Maybe adding a minimal amount to every feed just to keep it in check will do.
Thanks bro
...sucking up that P mate! Demand is at max right now, so do what you can ASAP and keep on it,... good that you talked with Hec', he's an amazing grower... did you see the 8+oz auto Big Bud he took down recently? :vibe: fooooooock,....!:bow:

Some epic organic grows on his part, inspiring at the very least!

Clearly demand is high. Fed them 4 days ago but added in cal mag. The cal mag mix I have seems to have a ridiculous high ec which meant I had to control the other nutes in the mix so I wasn’t over increasing. Sadly this has led no.2 to have a tantrum, she’s again shown further development of def. as I’m not actually seeing any cal mag def I’m scrapping using it, doesn’t seem to be benefiting whatsoever, if not hurting them.
Fed them just now with an ec of 1.5 ph 6.3. 8 litres between two, 30ml Flores, 24ml boost, 4ml rhizo and 3ml mammoth p.
Even with the signs of def she’s really thickening up nicely, frosty and smelling like she’s been sent from heaven! No.1 is starting to thicken and frosting, slight yellowing on lower leaves and the ones I had tucked out of the way, nothing that I’m concerning myself over. Removed some leaves to open her up.













Hopefully I’ve made the right decision dropping the cal mag and hitting the Flores and boost hard.
Thanks guys
Epsom salts seems to work ok for mg...I used to use it a lot before switching to a cal/mg combined nutrient. I was just adding a teaspoon full per gallon of water.

Hey bro, I do have a cal mag blend but it just seems to throw the ec way up and I can’t see any benefits, to be honest it always seems to do my plants damage! Even at half strength...
Soil mix is pre loses with dolomite lime, and not seeing cal mag def, to my eyes anyway, so gonna scrap it and just stick with giving them as much feed as possible staying within my increasing ec range
Was doing some reading last night on brix #.

I run a nutrient line that is calcium based, not salt. As it says in this paragraph, calaium IS the trucker of all minerals. It is the main building block of cells, and, imoble, so cells built deficient will remain weak. Waiting for the plant to tell you what it needs will never reach the potential of the genetics, you'll be constantly chasing something, kinda like a skateboard that gets speed wobbles... faster you go worse and wider it gets

Santa brought a new toy... thus the reading on brix...
I use organic calcium/vitamin d pills from pharmacy drop 1 tablet in water night before ready by morning. One tablet last a month before def shows on monster plants. My smaller strains still haven't shown anything so don't know how long it last.
Also don't count ec from calmag. You should only count actual nutes going in.
..what's this Ca-Mg product you have? Don't sweat the "organic" part of such a supplement, frankly it's technically BS, even if it's derived from rock CaCO3,.. such a substance simply doesn't fit into the definition of "organic", and the plant doesn't give f*ck-all either way... All the nute ions regardless of their original source(organic/synthetic) get into the plant in the same limited type of forms....nitrate is nitrate to the plant, Ca++ is Ca++, etc.... limited use of synthetic nutes isn't going to queer a damn thing, I use a blend of both and am getting the best results to date! Most of the troubles with synthetics is overfert'ing, screwing up the osmotic balance in the medium, around the roots, low pH, and in some cases the plant taking up too much, past what (mobile) nutes it can store for later use, and that not getting tapped out by harvest,.... Ca and Mg are secondary nutes, needed all the time in significant quantities; with your weirdly soft tap water (are you sure about that EC/TDS reading on it?), some Ca-Mg is needed at least 1-2x weekly,... Most supp's are at least in part carbonate based, and often also with nitrate (1-0-0, 3-0-0, etc) as well, but it's the carbonate/bicarbonate anions that are involved with pH buffering....
In the future, I highly recommend you using a dedicated micronutrient supplement, Bloom has one I believe,.. and use humic-fulvics, very good for both plant and microbes (Reference section has a great article on this).....carbon source for 'crobes, chelation of nute ions, etc.,.... critical for micronutes, as they are usually metal ions, bloody reactive unless "protected" by chelating agent that form a matrix around the ion, not literally bonding with it, but neutralizing the charge and blocking access of other cross reactive ions and cause formation of unavailable compounds,... Micro's play huge, critical roles as catalysts, metabolic agents, etc.,...