DIY Portable pot

Jun 22, 2021
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Hi there. Here is my new diy project, I like to call it the portable pot. This is the 2 pot version. Plant vs plant (grow battle), competition for grow space and light. Planting seeds immediately

parts minus rope that holds it all together.

fully assembled minus nutrient


Will have it in my grow journal (real bad now, don’t advise going any time soon).

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@420Forever wrong place for the thread maybe?

mmm...well, i did remove the "grow battlez" tag prefix on the title, since they don't exist anymore (that tag is obviously a leftover from when they did exist), but otherwize, it is a diy project after all, so it'z in the right place imo :shrug: :thumbsup: ppp
mmm...well, i did remove the "grow battlez" tag prefix on the title, since they don't exist anymore (that tag is obviously a leftover from when they did exist), but otherwize, it is a diy project after all, so it'z in the right place imo :shrug: :thumbsup: ppp

Umm there’s gonna be 2 plants, side by side, duking it out for space and light! Wait and see, you will take that back in a few weeks and put the tag back. See me? Not worried.
Interesting looking, ah, machine? Curious to see what you're up to when finished.
Umm there’s gonna be 2 plants, side by side, duking it out for space and light! Wait and see, you will take that back in a few weeks and put the tag back. See me? Not worried.

ah, but what ur unaware of, cuz ur still fairly new, is that what ur referring to & what that tag referz to are two completely diff animalz, lol :rofl: :rolleyes2: it all changed a year or so ago, but u see, before there were "cultivatorz", there were "gladiatorz" :tang: diff breederz would sponsor "grow battlez" & that'z where that tag originatez from ;) it needz to be gotten rid of as a thread title prefix option, but jus hazn't been done yet :shrug: ppp
This is a cool little experiment. I'm interested
ah, but what ur unaware of, cuz ur still fairly new, is that what ur referring to & what that tag referz to are two completely diff animalz, lol :rofl: :rolleyes2: it all changed a year or so ago, but u see, before there were "cultivatorz", there were "gladiatorz" :tang: diff breederz would sponsor "grow battlez" & that'z where that tag originatez from ;) it needz to be gotten rid of as a thread title prefix option, but jus hazn't been done yet :shrug: ppp

I’m gonna let this slide because since your a global moderator and all, I’m sure your really busy.

the (soon to be), plants told me to say the above.

update on the project. The wicking is working well, actually leaking a little where the hose enters the can. I watered in the seeds with 20ml water on top and put 1.3ec in the res. Letting the string water in the rest of the medium. Going to push the hose in further to see if that will stop the leaking but will probably have to put some caulking around the holes. I also could have not made holes and just had the hose go in the top of the can.

coco was nearly dry at start


side note, the ec in res is dropping. Anyone know why that would be or guesses, I’m interested to hear.
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