Grey Bear
Confidential Cultivator
Your finding my techniques useful is reward enough! And I wanted to show, transplanting autos isn't the big deal people think it is!
It is becoming less of an issue now, just like feeding loads and such.
Some of the early wisdom that was shared by experienced auto growers and breeders does need revision.
But it is always good to know when there is a known history of sensitivity to a certain factor, even if that trait isn't dominant now.
When stunted was still a member here, I think he did all kinds of crazy shit (weedeater buzzjob, to splitting the main stem, etc) to stonedragons or some strain, just to show how much abuse they could take.
I push autoflowers very hard with my light regimes and feeding schedules, I don't think I could have done it as successfully with the early strains.
Some strains don't appreciate a bunch of movement to their roots though and will balk for a few days after it is done. That can be a significant loss, depending on the plants growth stage.