Pollen controll

Jan 4, 2013
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I'm seeking experienced advice on pollen controll. I find myself with a late showing male of a strain I'd like pollen from soon. My females are starting to pollinate by way of a different plant. I don't need a pollen accident. I've got a little cabinet and LEDs for it and wonder what filter is needed. The shops around here don't carry them because HEPA filters are common ---but any input as to what is needed?
Automotive pollen filters might do the job, eh?
Available in sheet form or even in a cylindrical cartridge :D






Pollen can be save and stored in an airtight container in the deep freeze for a few years as long as you dry it a day or three first...when removing it from the freezer do not open the container until it has reached room temp...this is so condensation does not happen and ruin the pollen.
Mix pollen 1:1 up to 9:1 with cornflour as a carrier agent and you get it to 'go further'

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I'm thinking True HEPA 0.3 micron---is that enough?-----overkill? Any brands?
Go hepa! They ain't cheap! They have the shroom intake filter but its high as hell! Find a cheap hepa and DIY that sucka! Lol
to keep the plant from pollinating others in the area , even if on another floor of the house , get a big clear storage container/tub , stand it up sideways with the lid off , put the plant in and put the lid on , cut 2 holes , one in the bottom on one side and one in the top on the other side , put filters of your choosing over the holes , a high quality furnace filter would do , if needed use a computer fan at the top hole for extraction and passively forcing fresh air in from the bottom , to avoid pollin escaping use clear packing tape around the lid

watering could prove dangerouse (pollin release) if the lid (now a wall) needs to be removed , but if watered before sealing it you should be good untill it drops pollin

best of luck and peace :cool:

p.s. males dont nessisarilly need a lot of light , this set up can be placed in another erea of the house near a window and leaving the nearby light on if an auto
Dang!....I had suggested JUST that type of setup one time to someone!....How could I have forgotten that?! :D ..... :bong: ...oh, yeah!....I THINK I might know WHY!!! :D

So I have the filter and now am looking at other measures. First I guess I need to wash the Maui male to get the OG Kush pollen off it.

Next I was thinking to baste OG pollen with a brush on my pistoles durring the Maui pollen harvest to try and leave little for a spare Maui grain to get to.

My bad luck-not getting a male in the first batch to be sexed-now has some good to off set it a second male showed. I'm putting that male to re-vegitate and the smaller one that I'll make first pollen with I'll prune, and then kill early to keep pollen more under controll-just make enough for now and have the second male for surplus. So any feed back on these ideas? Any alternative or extra ideas from you stoners? (You can learn a lot about growing weed from a stoner)
Also you can try to humidify ur room just a touch over 50% water deadens pollin remember this! Just watch out for PM, moulds
Thanks,in this part of Humboldt it's a rare time the humidity is less than 100%- Parts of the day may drop to 70-80 %. PM is so bad the only way I can look out for it is to first wash it out of my eyes. All joking aside thanks-- I'll use that to my advantage.