Old Reviews PLEASE PLEASE remember to shake nutrient bottled thoroughly and often

Aug 23, 2015
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The reason I'm putting up this reminder is because discrete here learned the hard way.....I've been using AN products and having great results until the bottom 2/3 or so of the bottle....after weeks of tying to figure out what's going on with my garden I found two major issues, my PH pen is messed up lol, and most importantly I've been over fertilizing. Now after a good chunk of successful plants using the same soil and schedule and lights I've been trying to figure out what I've been doing wrong....I decided since my sensi bloom A and B are both very low I'd prefer some new bottles and some carboload as well....well I'm in the process of flushing my plants and starting over and during this process my run off ppm was maxed out at 1600. But PH was a stable 6.4ish lol so over fertilization is Def my problem. Since I wondered if it was a possibility that my bottles became too concentrated and are not working properly so I conducted a little mini test. I filled two solo cups to the third line up and added .5ml of bloom a and b from my old bottles into one cup and my new bottles shaken very well into another with the same measurements. Immediately I can see a huge huge huge color difference and upon testing with my ppm meter, a blue lab truncheon, the old bottles, darker red in the pic on the right hand side, we're 100ppm higher than the new bottles....this would also explain why all of my recent problems have occurred only once I began feeding bloom nutrients in the bloom stage... Took me two full grows and almost ten plants to finally get this figured out. I believe this is it and certainly a huge problem and all the puzzle pieces fit and lead here.....@stepside @Roark @Magic @912GreenSkell @Bailey @Trapper @kaosangel22

I really hope this helps someone else not lose as much time and harvest weight as I have figuring this out....thanks for everyone who has helped along the way....time to watch Pete get back on his top game everyone!
I've been there. Especially with stuff high in N.
I've been there. Especially with stuff high in N.
That's exactly what it was too. Last A of the sensi bloom is 3-0-0 and add you could see in the pic is way too concentrated. Part A is the red one, part B is clear so I got new bottles now lol
Also pay attention if you purchase your nutes in a brick and mortar storefront. A new local place opened up and once it got cold the gas heater was turned on blowing hot air on the organic nute lines they had right in front of it off and on all day.
@tripaholic88 this may not b your issue during mid flower but I cut back on tangs schedule and for new bottles of nutrients. My sensi bloom A and B had become old and over concentrated and I was feeding 100-150ppm too high, most of it being nitrogen....
@tripaholic88 this may not b your issue during mid flower but I cut back on tangs schedule and for new bottles of nutrients. My sensi bloom A and B had become old and over concentrated and I was feeding 100-150ppm too high, most of it being nitrogen....
man its funny you say this cuz i just got done usng the last of my sensi bloom and just got in sensi bloom coco.. i think that i used the last of the old shit the day before i left and topped the 5 gal res up with the coco bloom before i left... this may be it bro... but then again why only one plant that turned out terrible.. her one sister did have some N or mag def tho... yelowing leaf on bottom... my plants dont normally eat their selves since i feed 3 times a day in peak flower