please help very urgently they are dying

Feb 28, 2021
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Hello, our flowers have become like this after leaving them in the dark for 3 days to go through the flowering period, I don't know what to do, why can't I believe, my calendar didn't exceed the normal 1100ppm, what should I do, please help, they were like this when the lights came on after 3 days, what should I do

Is it only dying at the tops of the plants? 1100ppm seems a bit high.

You may have better luck over in the infirmary section

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I'm guessing that this is a photo plant and the 3 days dark was to trigger flower. If that's the case 1100ppm is fine. Don't really want to head into flower stressed though. Might go back to veg for 2 weeks to get it back in order
I'm guessing that this is a photo plant and the 3 days dark was to trigger flower. If that's the case 1100ppm is fine. Don't really want to head into flower stressed though. Might go back to veg for 2 weeks to get it back in order
Three days is aggressive, in my opinion…...they’ll flip just with adjusting the photo period. :pass: Any extended dark period like this is detrimental to the overall health of the plant…
Three days is aggressive, in my opinion…...they’ll flip just with adjusting the photo period. :pass: Any extended dark period like this is detrimental to the overall health of the plant…
Agreed. But the plants in the pictures aren't flowering and look to be decent sized, so I'm guessing photos. I've never heard of 3 days of dark to trigger it either. Kinda need some more details here :pass: