New Grower Please help me.. I beg you! Strain Help

Nonsense that is what we are here for, ask away. You use very little because it activates upon contact with the roots and starts to reproduce. I would sprinkle a 1/2 teaspoon on top of a reconstituted block of coco and mix thoroughly. A pinch around each seed when you sow and you are good.
awesome! so what innoculant is recommended for huge root activity?

The only image I have to show how coco and mycrrhoza produce together
Great White is the best. That was a Jacks Cleaner photo period at about 40 days. It was started in soil by someone else.
You do not have to do a traditional grow log. Just keep weekly photos from the same angles and distance and some notes on the grow. Post the pics and grow notes with a smoke report at the end and you have done your part to give back to the community.
You do not have to do a traditional grow log. Just keep weekly photos from the same angles and distance and some notes on the grow. Post the pics and grow notes with a smoke report at the end and you have done your part to give back to the community.
Should i not have mentioned that i am trying to produce seeds?
Producing seeds is some advanced stuff. I would definitely stick to buying seeds. Breeders will go through hundreds and even thousands of males just to get one worthy of breeding stock. Hermie seeds are seldom viable, and if they are they usually very erratic from inbreeding.
My soil is 1 bag of roots organic with about 1/2 gallon of steer manure and I think I added 1/2 cup of lime total. I don't remember for sure cuz I added some and added more later as it was not enough. Will be growing in a 10 gallon pot next time but the bags are only about 7.5 gallons if I remember, the larger the pot the larger the plant and using a whole bag of soil is worth it. A bag of soil cost me about $15 plus tax and the steer manure is like $2.50 so its probably going to be about $20 total in grow medium but should get around 1/4 LB next auto grow. Next time I will probably use a little under 1/2 gallon steer manure as it was a little hot last time. I will also be layering my soil next time. The lower 1/3 of the pot " its a tapered pot so its probably going to be about 1/4-1/5 the soil" will be mixed with some bat guano, a little azomite and maybe some Epsom salt to see of I can make it a full grow with out feeding.