New Grower Please help, its the begining

Jan 19, 2015
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Hey all,

Im so prepared and ready, tonight once home i will be planting my seeds into their soil for germination, now i have a few question just to make sure im doing it right.

I have gone with the Tiered method where by i take two 16 oz cups, cut the bottom off one and drainage holes in the other. i then place the bottomless cup into the drainage holed cup and fill with my soil: bio bizz light mix.

my questions are:

1. how deep should the soil be placed?
2. how much water roughly should be added?
3. where should i store my cups?
4. would a cling film cover keep the soil damp to help?

Silly question = please do not judge me for this, i just need a perfect grow, what way would the seed be placed? or is that not important?

I would really appreciate the help and advice, all of you on AFN are awesome!!

Muffinman Woops
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I never germinate in soil, I always use a wet paper towel in a zip lock it some place warm like ur cable box n in a few day you will be able to see how they are doing.
Muffin Man.....?

I know you! You live on Drury Lane!

I've never germed direcly in soil, I always germ in paper towels and then plant them in the soil...but I would assume that the same rules apply...bury the seed 1/4 inch under the soil, you don't want your babies trying to fight to get to the surface.
Just make sure your medium is damp...not wet, because then you run the risk of drowning them once their tap root emerges.
Plastic wrap is actually a great option to keep the soil moist and keep the environment humid.. new babies like a LOT of humidity. i like to make a dome out of a clean milk jug or a cut off 2 liter bottle, and after it breaks soil i'll usually keep the baby inside the dome for 4 days or so just because i know they like the humidity it adds... but either way you go, make sure to poke holes so your newfound baby can breathe lol