Hey everyone,
New grower, new member. First off thanks for the wealth of information here! It’s been super exciting to find such a comprehensive forum dedicated to autos with such enthusiastic and knowledgeable members!
So here’s my situation: I’ve been growing autos on my balcony all summer, started with 2 Royal Haze autos from Royal Queen seeds, and brought them from seed to harvest outside in the summer sun. Thanks to this site and a few YouTube growers like Bill Ward, I quickly got deep into learning how to train the plants, using nutrients, etc etc. In other words, being jobless thanks to covid, I had plenty of time to dive in head first into the world of cannabis cultivation.
So now I’ve got 7 more plants going but the weather is changing where I live, and I realized that I want to continue to grow year-round, not only in the summertime. Problem is that my flat is quite small (no space for a full-on grow tent), but since I was redoing my kitchen anyway, decided to build in a ‘hidden’ grow box under the kitchen countertop that measures 120cm (4ft) long, 60cm (2ft) deep, and 100cm (40in) tall. I bought one of the new Migro Aray 240W lights, and for now painted the inside of the box with flat white latex paint that I already had. Will eventually upgrade to silver diamond Mylar. Initially I had an exhaust fan rated at 135qm per hour but recently upgraded to a much stronger one that I was able to borrow from a friend, to see if it helped at all with my heat issue.
I’ve currently got 3 plants inside the box - 2 Royal Haze Autos and 1 Northern Light Auto, all from Royal Queen. They’re all in week 11 at the moment, and lived their entire lives outside on the balcony until putting them in the grow box 2 weeks ago.
One of the plants is right on track to harvest at 12 weeks, while the other 2 are lagging behind (also had this with the first 2 plants I grew entirely on the balcony - 1 of them took 17 weeks to finish!).
Anyway so the situation now, is that not only are the leaves yellowing, but also developing brown spots (photos attached) And becoming very brittle. It’s happening the worst with the plant that’s furthest into flowering, but also started to happen to the other 2 as well. Additionally as you can see, some of the leaves are drooping quite a bit on 2 of the plants, even though I’m sure I haven’t been overwatering them. They’re all in light mix soil from biobizz, and I’ve been using General Hydroponics tri-part from the beginning, adjusting the balance based on the life cycle of the plants and using nutrients in about every other watering.
I have had a small issue with powdery mildew, but have been able to keep it under control by just wiping it off of the leaves diligently and spraying neem once per week. In a few cases where I found it on buds, I cleaned it off using a neem-soaked Q-tip.
I’ve also got some thrips merrily living in there, but again using neem and killing the larvae when I see them has kept that from becoming anything to worry about either.
The main thing though, is that until recently the temperature inside the box was at a pretty steady 30 - 31 degrees Celsius, which is way too hot from what I understand. As mentioned above, to remedy this I found a much stronger ventilation fan to attach to the carbon filter, and now the temp is steady at 25-27 Celsius, ~45% RH, but the leaf yellowing / brown spot problem doesn’t seem to be subsiding.
So there it is, in a nutshell. If I’ve left out any key info, just let me know and I’ll add it to the post - otherwise, have a look at the photos and PLEASE HELP!
Thank you!!

New grower, new member. First off thanks for the wealth of information here! It’s been super exciting to find such a comprehensive forum dedicated to autos with such enthusiastic and knowledgeable members!
So here’s my situation: I’ve been growing autos on my balcony all summer, started with 2 Royal Haze autos from Royal Queen seeds, and brought them from seed to harvest outside in the summer sun. Thanks to this site and a few YouTube growers like Bill Ward, I quickly got deep into learning how to train the plants, using nutrients, etc etc. In other words, being jobless thanks to covid, I had plenty of time to dive in head first into the world of cannabis cultivation.
So now I’ve got 7 more plants going but the weather is changing where I live, and I realized that I want to continue to grow year-round, not only in the summertime. Problem is that my flat is quite small (no space for a full-on grow tent), but since I was redoing my kitchen anyway, decided to build in a ‘hidden’ grow box under the kitchen countertop that measures 120cm (4ft) long, 60cm (2ft) deep, and 100cm (40in) tall. I bought one of the new Migro Aray 240W lights, and for now painted the inside of the box with flat white latex paint that I already had. Will eventually upgrade to silver diamond Mylar. Initially I had an exhaust fan rated at 135qm per hour but recently upgraded to a much stronger one that I was able to borrow from a friend, to see if it helped at all with my heat issue.
I’ve currently got 3 plants inside the box - 2 Royal Haze Autos and 1 Northern Light Auto, all from Royal Queen. They’re all in week 11 at the moment, and lived their entire lives outside on the balcony until putting them in the grow box 2 weeks ago.
One of the plants is right on track to harvest at 12 weeks, while the other 2 are lagging behind (also had this with the first 2 plants I grew entirely on the balcony - 1 of them took 17 weeks to finish!).
Anyway so the situation now, is that not only are the leaves yellowing, but also developing brown spots (photos attached) And becoming very brittle. It’s happening the worst with the plant that’s furthest into flowering, but also started to happen to the other 2 as well. Additionally as you can see, some of the leaves are drooping quite a bit on 2 of the plants, even though I’m sure I haven’t been overwatering them. They’re all in light mix soil from biobizz, and I’ve been using General Hydroponics tri-part from the beginning, adjusting the balance based on the life cycle of the plants and using nutrients in about every other watering.
I have had a small issue with powdery mildew, but have been able to keep it under control by just wiping it off of the leaves diligently and spraying neem once per week. In a few cases where I found it on buds, I cleaned it off using a neem-soaked Q-tip.
I’ve also got some thrips merrily living in there, but again using neem and killing the larvae when I see them has kept that from becoming anything to worry about either.
The main thing though, is that until recently the temperature inside the box was at a pretty steady 30 - 31 degrees Celsius, which is way too hot from what I understand. As mentioned above, to remedy this I found a much stronger ventilation fan to attach to the carbon filter, and now the temp is steady at 25-27 Celsius, ~45% RH, but the leaf yellowing / brown spot problem doesn’t seem to be subsiding.
So there it is, in a nutshell. If I’ve left out any key info, just let me know and I’ll add it to the post - otherwise, have a look at the photos and PLEASE HELP!
Thank you!!