please help drying !! dense buds

it really does come down to the cure the harder you work at it the better it will be i dry trim so when harvesting i cut the larger fan leafs off and hang the rest in 12 inch ish sections then around ten days later when the buds snap of the stem i jar them up not when the main stem snaps
the only way to fight bud rot is airflow and correct humidity even then it happens somtimes
Sorry man I keep replying to my own thread but if you haven't responded yet I hate doing that to people I apologize. Thank you so much for responding. I don't know who you are but thank you so much and I hope you can reply to what I said again. So gracious
What's your humidity. And what was it late flower. Sometimes this happens prior to chopping and just spreads after. Did you have air flow during grow. And do you have fan on plants. Until I got a dehumidifier a large one and keep moving air on the drying bud I randomly got bud rot. Mainly colas or upper buds that were dense. Even now I'll do a 2 staged harvest just to prevent but dialing in that humidity and air flow seems key for alot. The drying of the pots may help to. I'd try it. Good luck
What do you think about my last reply about watering the plant too soon before cutting it. It seems like it's coming from inside the stem and there's like a Lonewolf seed at the very top of a nice skittles plant. It is skittles I landed on after all but the big bud has been doing it too. It Hass to be my technique and watering
i cant be sure what your talking about exactly without pictures but i usually dont water for a few days before the chop its just what iv always done if its just on the stem where you cut it it should be fine if they are drying out correctly airflow over the hanging stems 50-60% humidity is where to aim for temps around 18-22c not too cold not too warm after that its in the hands of nature
Don't water the plant for 48 hours....THEN chop.........Trim 10-12" stems with bud, sections........paperbag it for a day....then hang it until its ready.

Last run I bought a few of these........ TO SMOKE .in 4-5 days your plants won't need a 3 or 4 week cure....every single bit of chlorophyl is gone. Pretty much ready to smoke/sell or make rosin, hash......your house will NOT smell at all, a nice thing for most of us.

If you deprive the plant of light and water for 48 hours? The plant thinks its dying and will put out a bit more THC..........I do this before I chop also.
Don't water the plant for 48 hours....THEN chop.........Trim 10-12" stems with bud, sections........paperbag it for a day....then hang it until its ready.

Last run I bought a few of these........ TO SMOKE .in 4-5 days your plants won't need a 3 or 4 week cure....every single bit of chlorophyl is gone. Pretty much ready to smoke/sell or make rosin, hash......your house will NOT smell at all, a nice thing for most of us.

If you deprive the plant of light and water for 48 hours? The plant thinks its dying and will put out a bit more THC..........I do this before I chop also.
How often do you change filter jw? Interesting you got the 69 dollar one or the 99
Bought the small one first....then after seeing how well it worked added the XL......have one of both. These things fuggin rock, bro.

I haven't changed the filter yet. Did 2 runs with them. The small one will take about 5-6 oz of wet weed........The big one will take about double that amount.......of course the dry weight you will lose 70% of all those wet zees.