New Grower Please help diagnose my plant!!!

Mar 23, 2019
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What’s up guys? So I feel like I have a ok grow going on as I put my heart and soul into my babies, first grow ever btw. I am seeing white spots on my leaves. Also some leaves look like they are half eaten also so I did my research and went and grabbed some been oil 3 in 1. Southern AG 3 in 1 to be exact which fights pests which I think I have gnats from the soil I am using (ffof) also mildew I found a few leaves with mold on it but not powdery. I need some to help me diagnose these photos I took.
I’m thinkin maybe these spots are from feeding them since I haven’t much but they are big enough where I think this plant can handle a base A and B from humboldt nutrients. Oh and they are wet bc I had just sprayed them with neem lol but here they are.

74666D39-0BFC-4B02-B48C-D231AA1343F2.jpeg 66CEAB61-3802-46BA-AC4C-25BC45D3CA8B.jpeg Then there are leaves with these holes in them . The ones that were half eaten I cut off but here’s a pic to give u an idea how it starts2588931C-CC1D-4D84-8BBF-D626730A4F40.jpeg . Please help I have put so much time into these and I’m stressing hard lol . I never posted anything on this site although I’ve done so much reading. I have looked all over internet for diagnosis but I can’t find. Hopefully you guys on here who know your stuff can please guide me through this.... thank you! Here another one of my babies. They don’t look sick at first glance but I can avoid a lot of problems by asking for help! Please help! LolBBB0892F-F544-4F18-814B-E1E97FAFAA78.jpeg
Jeez it’s quiet in here please somebody come to the rescue!!! I am already working on a new grow in soil again but this time decided to go with Dr Earth home grown. Anyway off subject. Please take a look at these plants and see what’s up. Thank you
Your issues are beyond my help, but it usually doesn't take long to get some experienced help here. I noticed you missed a few details they will want to know. Copy and paste the Infirmary patient forum in the sticky above your post and fill out the missing info. I've seen a lot of sickly plants in these forums, I can assure you, your girls are gonna make it :pass:
Hello T,
I hope someone more experienced is able to steer you in the right direction. I am an outdoor gardener and am just starting my second year here.
I didn't see mold on your plants. Now I don't know if the neem oil covered it or the picture didn't really show it. Mold is generally from high humidity and lack of air circulation. I would remove any leaves that have a large amount of mold but that's just me.
The hole in the leaf looked like more of a cut than a bite but based on what you said it starts that way so I have no idea.

That being said I think your plants look really nice overall. Hang in there.
Hello T,
I hope someone more experienced is able to steer you in the right direction. I am an outdoor gardener and am just starting my second year here.
I didn't see mold on your plants. Now I don't know if the neem oil covered it or the picture didn't really show it. Mold is generally from high humidity and lack of air circulation. I would remove any leaves that have a large amount of mold but that's just me.
The hole in the leaf looked like more of a cut than a bite but based on what you said it starts that way so I have no idea.

That being said I think your plants look really nice overall. Hang in there.
Hey there. I noticed those white spotted leaves 2 days after I fed my plants but only at quarter strength. So I really don’t think it’s nute burn. Then on the other picture u can see mostly white at the bottom 2 leaves? It was very damp I n ruined so that’s why I think it’s mold or some kind of fungus rather. My temp stays at 80F n RH is always above 40 to 65% where they Recomend it should be when indoors. I am just nerve wracked at this point. I have done so much reading n more reading it’s like I’m studying for the BAR exam or something lol. You also added about circulation I have a 6in computer fan in there that I point at a 45 degree angle so my plants don’t get any wind burn or anything. Just recently added a small rotating fan so I can get circulation on the bottom. Also have the carbon filter... anyway thank you for your input Spell!
It looks a little like you might have spilled some nutes on the affected leaves. Doesn't look like bugs to me, and nutrient problems are usually more pattern-like on the leaves, vs just some splotches.

From the lighting, it does look like the ladies might be getting a wee bit too much nitrogen, but again it could just be the light.

Looking pretty good so far, especially for a first grow.

As was said earlier, it's pretty important that you give the real experts here (of which I am not one) enough information to go on. You can find the form here.
I hear you about being nerve wracked. It is a lot of money for seeds and equipment. It is also a lot of waiting. I know this is going to sound crazy but I think it stresses them out (and us) when we keep poking them and touching them. I really try to just check on them once a day, in the morning. I check the soil, look over the leaves for critters and say a few positive words and then let them go about their day :) I also don't over water them. The best advice I can give you is let them dry out a bit. Better that they should droop a bit and then you give them a good solid watering where the water drains out the bottom. I fertilize at 1/2 strength and I also use a product called Recharge at 1/2 strength. So far so good.

It seems like you are on the right track. I know that you are reading and trying to learn all that you can but sometimes we get overloaded and start to lose confidence. Everyone has an opinion and sometimes those contradict one another. Follow your instincts. If you only have a few leaves on each plant that are looking funky remove them and move on. Leaves get damaged, smashed, maybe some fertilizer splashed on them. Good call on adding the fan. They do like a breeze from what I can tell :) From what I see your plants are looking GOOD. Take a few hits and congratulate yourself on getting them this far.

Try and enjoy this.
Yea man I hear you when you say try and enjoy it which I really do! Like you said tho after reading opinions after opinions that contradict I’m left clueless . Then money goes which is ok since it started as a hobby now it’s like an obsession almost haha. I will keep you informed as to when the summer comes maybe you can give me some good pointers on how to do it outdoors bc there’s nothing better than Mother Nature. Right now in NY it’s steadily staying in the lower 50’s upper 40’s so time is almost here for a shot at an outside op... thanks buddy
It looks a little like you might have spilled some nutes on the affected leaves. Doesn't look like bugs to me, and nutrient problems are usually more pattern-like on the leaves, vs just some splotches.

From the lighting, it does look like the ladies might be getting a wee bit too much nitrogen, but again it could just be the light.

Looking pretty good so far, especially for a first grow.

As was said earlier, it's pretty important that you give the real experts here (of which I am not one) enough information to go on. You can find the form here.