Lighting Platinum p300 test grow

FD turned me onto them after he saw how well it was working on the farm! :greenthumb: ..... FEx is one I need to regrow, properly,.. the one I had was an over-germ' refugee, stuck in a 32oz cup in coco, still made wonderful smoke! i loved her subtle floral-lemony aroma, and the uppy-happy-trippy buzz too!
I'll get with you and FD more on this,... if it's not too late to get the soil made, cooked and ready for the next round! I would have loved to run it on the OD girls, but it would have been rather $$,....
...shit, I need to get a damn thread going! :rofl: It's time,... :woohoo1:

I will be running FE again, might get this cross. FE is one I was thinking about hitting with some pollen from swami. Its that good, because I don't like to spend a grow making seeds, not my thing. Highly recommend running it again, I know you will treat it right.
I'll need fresher seeds, the one here is 4+yo now.... that's how bad my back log has become! :help: .... I have auto's Night Queen, Citrus Noir, Cherry Bomb and C99a going now.... photo's started, my eye really on Lilly this year - :eyebrows: I'm ready for that African speed queen to show me the love- :rofl:
I'll need fresher seeds, the one here is 4+yo now.... that's how bad my back log has become! :help: .... I have auto's Night Queen, Citrus Noir, Cherry Bomb and C99a going now.... photo's started, my eye really on Lilly this year - :eyebrows: I'm ready for that African speed queen to show me the love- :rofl:

I keep trying to not add to my backlog! Citrus Noir is supposed to be fantastic, and I would love to see the C99. Hope you start a journal :headbang:
It's crazy, different strains have different light sensitivities. It makes sense cannabis plants have genetics from all over the earth. Some can grow right up to our light, while other you can't get closer than 24"....looking good! Dudeski!
I was shocked myself! Was about 7 inches at its closest and not mad at all. These are sativas and very happy.


Supercropping gave me a bit more room.
Supercropping. . Is that where you just bend the main cola over without breaking? Which node or time frame do you normally do this?

:pass: looking lush and fantastic my Dude!
Hey reb! Yes, just soften the stem up by squeezing then bend it over and tie it down. I do it where it makes the canopy most even. They dont miss a beat. My problem now is my grow buddy has been without power almost 36 hours. And I cant take them outside!