Take a clone and flip the clone for sex.I'm not used to slow growing plants. And know that I should be flipping the lights already. But, I cant flower the one where it's at so I have a decision to make. Do I flip and check sex then change the lights back? Or chance it, probably not smart as it could be a smelly one if it's a girl.
No secondary sites to cut, yet. Not even a quarter inch after a month. I was thinking about topping it but it's so pretty.Take a clone and flip the clone for sex.
Frass will help with bugs too! Holy shit, you are amazing. I love frass. I have neem/karanja granules I was going to soak and water in...gnats, just saw that... adults are little more than flying gonads brudda, I'm not sure they even feed, so short is their life... it's the larvae that are the proble, little maggot like things munching roots,... A 'squiter granule/bits tea will fix that shit, so can some insect frass top dressed,...
The things are supposed to be huge if left to veg too long! I'm not worried about days, this is for the smoke. But I need to finish the grow. I'd need several more of the platinum if they get too big!... for veg', forget the calendar, go by size/node count, and consider topping and serious training... you will have to go horizontal as much as you can,.. again, i got not experience with that, my tent is infinite,....