Old Reviews Plant Success Mycorrhizal Tablets

I've been using myco for a while now and love it.Thats a great price plus it contains both ecto and endo fungus that some don't.Try to put them in your pots a couple days before you plant,and water the entire pot,this will start to activate the myco and be ready when the roots start to spread.:smokebuds:

Yup, that was the plan. :D I might break them up some I dunno, have to wait and see. But yes definitely wetting ahead of time and giving them something to eat too. Jackal told me that sometimes he adds a little molasses to his initial watering before he plants, give the little beasties food to start munching on. There are some myco in Promix as it is, that's why I think this combo is gonna rock.

The mix will be crawling with them when I first put the bean in. :dance2:

Gotham emailed me back informing me that they couldn't do custom tents, sorry. But that they have a wide selection on the site. They do have an awesome selection, but just not exactly what I need/want. Oh well...Those are pretty much the best tents around that I see and best sizes for a smallish grow. Gonna be deciding on that and ordering soon. :D Eek!
not sure where i read it but myco should be in contact with roots within 24 hours or so
so use sooner rather than later
not sure where i read it but myco should be in contact with roots within 24 hours or so
so use sooner rather than later

Yup. They'll be in there before I even plant. And part of the directions is to place a tablet an inch or so under where you plant the seed so the taproot goes straight through there as soon as it sprouts. :D