Old Reviews Plant Success Mycorrhizal Tablets

The Squid

Spaced-out CephaloMOD
Feb 26, 2012
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Hello friends. Just curious as to whether or not anyone has tried these out or knows anything about them. I'm pretty sure I am about to order a 40 pack and give them a go. I have really been wanting to add extra Myco and I think i really makes a difference and makes Ph'ing and nutrient uptake easier for the plant and grower.

I have heard about the Humboldt and Great White stuff. Kinda pricey though compared to the Plant Success. Here's the link. Very awesome and trusted site, so I am to think it's a quality product. :D


Thanks guy!
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Cool I didn't know that. You take the tablets and space them out in your pot. Also placing one aboit an.inch under the germinating seed, so it sprouts through it. It's all about direct contact with the stuff.
Sounds really cool.
Thanks dude. :smokebuds:
Hey Squidder,

Yeah, I actually had that in my cart at amazon.com. But then I have a few hydro stores nearby, and they carry Age Old Organics root rally, and Happy frog has some in thier fruit and flower in the organic line. I think they are catching on. Heck if your gonna make sure your medium is optimall for nutrient uptake, then your plant may as well be optimal too.

Using both in my soil next grow

my two cents.

i was also going order these squid.. Curious on the results. keep us posted if you decisde to go with them! Happy growing brother! :smokebuds:
You know..

With these ground up and mosquito dunks ground up, some sphagnum, perlite just to start.. a killer homemade ProMix can be made... I think you're on to something Squid..
:thumbs: Nice price tag, may have to pick some up myself!! Thanks Squid!!
I will be placing my order soon. Doing a bit of upgrading with some tax money. :D
Getting the 40 tab box of those and some Earth Juice Ph up. Even though I'll probably need it less now with the PS! :crying:

Also upgrading my grow area. I long to be back in a tent, but I need a smaller one than what I had.
I actually emailed gotham about custom size Hydrohut tents. We'll see how that goes and decide. I would love a 2x2x4. And it could be a couple inches over on each number too. Perfect. Four gals. Choice!

Then I am saving up for an LED and I am set! I am wanna wait and see what these Fero LEDs are all about. Lifetime warranty? Yessir.
Due to certain circumstance, what will be my permanent grow space needs to be smaller and not larger like I had thought a couple months ago. But no worries. I am content with that. :D

That does sound like a good home made Promix. But for the price of Promix, I just use the BX and will be adding the Plant Success Myco tabs and getting them feeding with and nitial light watering of black humic and Bio Root.
Easier to me than getting the peat, perlite, myco that's in PM, lime, wetting agent and starter nutes.
I am pretty stoked about the new myco tabs and setup.
Then I swear I'll get back to posting my grows. Tough to do helping fhe new growers out. Take care!
I've been using myco for a while now and love it.Thats a great price plus it contains both ecto and endo fungus that some don't.Try to put them in your pots a couple days before you plant,and water the entire pot,this will start to activate the myco and be ready when the roots start to spread.:smokebuds: