Plant is drooping. Under/Overwater? N-Deficiancy? HELP!

Did you notice the drooping after a water? The drooping to me just looks like they're thirsty. The leaves would be curling and cupping if you over watered, at this point have they further curled up at all? I wouldn't worry too much if they stayed like the picture, they probably just need a little water. The humidity at 40% is low I would bump that up too.
Current runoff PPM is around 1300ppm. The soil I'm using is BioBizz all mix, mixed with perlite and clay pebbles.

Hehe I don't know, what is rep score even? :smoking:
1300 seems a little high... might be another reason for the droop.. I had plants droop like that and perk up when watered only to droop again a short while after... turned out the soil was a bit hot... as an experiment I transplanted one of them into different soil and in a week or so, the drooping ceased. Im not undermining anyone else's advice, this is just from my limited experience... MIght want to cut back a few hundred ppm if youre feeding that amount, or just throw an extra plain water in between until you get a runoff of 600 - 800 or so gl


What is All·Mix?
All·Mix literally does it all for you – creating the optimum environment for plants to flourish throughout the year.
This heavily pre-fertilized substrate mixture emulates a rich outdoor soil with a full micro active ecosystem. It’s been designed to have enough nutrient-fuelled power to sustain lush growth for a couple of weeks, without any need to add any extra fertilizer."
@Cannabiskollektivet Drooping can be from a number of things. First is the temperature/RH combination too hot or too cold with RH to high or too low can cause leaf drooping due to the stomata on the leaves closing to prevent over or under respiration. It is a defense mechanism that keeps the water in the leaves. This makes the leaves heavy and they droop. The plants can also get tired by the end of the day when they have been very actively growing. This somtimes pulls in more water to get more nutrients to keep growing = drooping. A shortage of some nutrient the plant wants causes it to pull in more water to get the nutrient and the leaves are not respiring enough to keep up = drooping. They can be droopy in the morning as they wake-up.

As long as the environment is good and the plant has water and balanced nutrients in the pot drooping is not generally a sign of trouble.


Ah okey, I try to keep the temps around 24-27c during bloom phase and humidity around 40-50%. Regarding watering.. I try to give them 2,5L every 2-3 days. It seems like they want more but with that theres alot of runoff so im not sure how to proceed here.. Still whenever they wake up from their "droopy" sleep they seem superhappy!
Did you notice the drooping after a water? The drooping to me just looks like they're thirsty. The leaves would be curling and cupping if you over watered, at this point have they further curled up at all? I wouldn't worry too much if they stayed like the picture, they probably just need a little water. The humidity at 40% is low I would bump that up too.

No, they usually starts to droop by the end of their light cycle, and thats usually when I feed them. They stay droopy during night time and when morning comes (for them), they tend to wake up again, and that cycle continues every 2-3 days it seems. Should I adjust how much water I give them or what do u think? Yeah I bumped it up now, trying to keep it around 45-50% RH instead.
1300 seems a little high... might be another reason for the droop.. I had plants droop like that and perk up when watered only to droop again a short while after... turned out the soil was a bit hot... as an experiment I transplanted one of them into different soil and in a week or so, the drooping ceased. Im not undermining anyone else's advice, this is just from my limited experience... MIght want to cut back a few hundred ppm if youre feeding that amount, or just throw an extra plain water in between until you get a runoff of 600 - 800 or so gl


What is All·Mix?
All·Mix literally does it all for you – creating the optimum environment for plants to flourish throughout the year.
This heavily pre-fertilized substrate mixture emulates a rich outdoor soil with a full micro active ecosystem. It’s been designed to have enough nutrient-fuelled power to sustain lush growth for a couple of weeks, without any need to add any extra fertilizer."

Hey man, thanks for the reply. Yeah I adjusted the feed to around 500ppm, gonna see how they react to this. Thanks for the input mate, all is welcome and appreciated! :)