New Grower Planning for the spring, my first grow.

Feb 3, 2015
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Hi All, And thanks for a great community. I can tell after going trough a few thread that this a great community for growing.

Only my second thread, here is my introduction

So I am doing some planning and preps for the spring, I don't have a big place and my wife and daughter would be too keen on me growing indoors. But got the 'permission' to take up some terrasse space.

The location is facing north east, located not too far from Amsterdam. I am thinking of a combination of greenhouse and outdoor. I have started to build my little greenhouse, and i realize its size can create heat problems on warm days. So the plan is to completely remove the front part on hot days. I guess the main part is to protect the plants again to much rain and wind. (and bugs). And i will make sure to make bug resistant vents on both sides. I also plan to use proper foil .
Greenhouse frame is 210 x 55 cm, and maybe 210 high.
Any comments or suggestion for improvements would be appreciated :)
Here is my greenhouse frame i built the other day.

I am thinking to start germinating seeds late march/early April. Obviously depending on temperature. Or is this way to early? I have limited capacity to start much inside.

The plan right now (that might change) is to grow 6 autos in the greenhouse, 3 photos outside that will move inside once the autos are done. (is this crazy?) The other option is to have 3 autos and 3 Photos. I am thinking that 3 Photos will need that space once the Autos are done?

As for strains I will go for Dutch Passion. I haven't made the final decision yet but the current ones under consideration is
- AutoFrisian Dew
- Autoblueberry (Optimistic for outdoor? )
- AutoDurban Poison
- AutoFrisian Duck
- Passion #1 (Photo)
- Hollands Hope (Photo)

I want to grow 2 strains of Auto (3 each) and 1 strain of Photo.

Any suggestions on the strains?

By the way, if I get started early April, is it realistic to have harvested already end of june/start of July ?

medium and nutrients
I want to go all organic I have bought gold label light mix, and root juice, grow, bloom and bloom boost (Biobizz). From what I understand i should use less then the prescribed 'dosage'. I was thinking of mixing in more perlite, but the guy at the store said it wasn't needed. It already have some perlite in it.

I will do hand-watering, let the mix dry out between each watering to get some air for the roots.

15 L pots for the autos, I'm thinking i should go a little larger for the Photos?

I have a water ionizer i can easily adjust the PH with if needed. But last time i measured the tap water was around PH 6

I will also cover the black pots in alu foil or something else to reflect and avoid overheating in the sun.

I read somewhere the autos doesn't like to be transplanted, so i will add them straight in the 15L ports after germination but with a plastic cup with removed bottom around it.

If i get any pest probs i think i will try this

Does this all sound like a decent plan, or horrible misguided ? I do have some time to change the plans :) Although it's my first grow, I'd like to do this properly.

Ohh yeah in Mid July i need to rely on my neighbor to water them for me, hopefully the Autos are hanging at that point. Going for a vacation to family back home.

Thanks in advance for tips and comments
What kind of pots will you be using?

I will also try the Frisian Duck outside, note it is NOT an auto but a photo, will be fun although I am a little concerned about how stinky it will be, from DP's website " Because the strong cannabis aroma is the same as traditional cannabis this variety will still need carbon filters for indoor grows."
I hope you are aware of the possible consequences if the Botanical Enforcement 3d_maend118.gif take a hands on interest in your botanist endeavours, I may be Beating_A_Dead_Horse.gifhere, but better safe than sorry in the mistaken belief it is a 'legal' activity.

There is a Duck auto, but dunno if he will part with any seeds shucks.gif
Hi Corgy

I will just be using standard 15 Liter pots with drainage in the bottom.

Hmm, yeah the smell is a good point. Although where i live it is tolerated (not to be confused with legal) by the Botanical Enforcement to have up to 5 plant without artificial lighting. I might be stretching that a bit with nine though :cool: And better to not provoke the neighbors (or invoke jealousy).

The greenhouse wont be see trough, but obviously on hot days they will be very visible when i take off the front.

The AutoFrisian Dew I am almost sure i will order. And the Passion #1 (Photo) I've read is a good greenhouse strain. Maybe Ill keep it simpler and stick to two strains, one auto and one photo.

Oobs yeah i see now the duck is not available as auto, that put me between duck and Passion #1 as photo strain.

Do you know if anyone have successfully grown AutoBlueberry outdoors in this kind of climate? (north europe)
Do you know if anyone have successfully grown AutoBlueberry outdoors in this kind of climate? (north europe)

Sorry no, I am also new to this game, but not new to growing all sorts of other plants.

I case you a renting, it might be worth checking your rent contract. In mine it very clearly says that any canna enlargement detected on the premises will result in termination, and I know for a fact that the Botanical Enforcement Agency is known to slip such information to Power Companies, Rent Companies and Mortgage Lenders, especially if you are/have been selling.
What kind of pots will you be using?

I will also try the Frisian Duck outside, note it is NOT an auto but a photo, will be fun although I am a little concerned about how stinky it will be, from DP's website " Because the strong cannabis aroma is the same as traditional cannabis this variety will still need carbon filters for indoor grows."
I hope you are aware of the possible consequences if the Botanical Enforcement View attachment 419350 take a hands on interest in your botanist endeavours, I may be View attachment 419351here, but better safe than sorry in the mistaken belief it is a 'legal' activity.

There is a Duck auto, but dunno if he will part with any seeds View attachment 419349

"Botanical Enforcement".........Wow! "Green" pigs..............
Hi spyfish, sounds like you have done your homework and have a solid plan. The only thing I saw that raised a question is the north east exposure of the greenhouse. How many hours of direct sun will it get?

As to your question about the autos finishing jun/jul it will depend on the temps you can maintain. If you can stay above 25 C early on you should be able to make it. You might want to consider a propagation mat to provide some extra soil warmth until outside temps really warm up. Good luck
Sorry no, I am also new to this game, but not new to growing all sorts of other plants.

I case you a renting, it might be worth checking your rent contract. In mine it very clearly says that any canna enlargement detected on the premises will result in termination, and I know for a fact that the Botanical Enforcement Agency is known to slip such information to Power Companies, Rent Companies and Mortgage Lenders, especially if you are/have been selling.

That's a good point. I'm not renting, and my upstairs neighbor grow on his balcony from time to time. Should be ok as long as i don't go crazy

Hi spyfish, sounds like you have done your homework and have a solid plan. The only thing I saw that raised a question is the north east exposure of the greenhouse. How many hours of direct sun will it get?

As to your question about the autos finishing jun/jul it will depend on the temps you can maintain. If you can stay above 25 C early on you should be able to make it. You might want to consider a propagation mat to provide some extra soil warmth until outside temps really warm up. Good luck

Mid summer its usually sun on that side from early morning to 4-5 in the afternoon. Then it goes behind the roof. Its actually a problem in the summer as our bedroom is also facing that side. Can get sauna temps in the bedroom when its time to sleep :(

Right now its only 2-3 hours or so with direct sun.
Spyfish, autos have a relatively short veg period where the significantly increase in size. Getting less than 10 hours sun per day during this period will effect the finished size of your plants considerably. You should end up with some decent buds but it will reduce the yield. Also if your weather is like mine there are a lot of overcast days in the spring.

Not trying to discourage you just don't want to see you disappointed. If you can add supplemental lighting it would really help but that may be too much of a security risk. You may want to consider instead of building a greenhouse build a grow room that you can light and control the temperature better year around. Just a thought
Spyfish, autos have a relatively short veg period where the significantly increase in size. Getting less than 10 hours sun per day during this period will effect the finished size of your plants considerably. You should end up with some decent buds but it will reduce the yield. Also if your weather is like mine there are a lot of overcast days in the spring.

Not trying to discourage you just don't want to see you disappointed. If you can add supplemental lighting it would really help but that may be too much of a security risk. You may want to consider instead of building a greenhouse build a grow room that you can light and control the temperature better year around. Just a thought

Thanks Oldster

Indoors is simply not possible, no room for it :( Supplemental lighting and heating is also an issue, no electricity outside. Could run a cable trough an open window though. Or drill a hole for cable (I did that on the tiny front side balcony).

Hmm, i need to think a bit. But small yield i could live with, as long as the 3 Photos give me a good harvest.

If i were to grow only Photos, how many you recon i can fit reasonable in the greenhouse. I figured 3 would need that space?
Well, if you use Operative TaNg's modus operandi and other blokes of that ilk, no more than 2 and then it would still threaten to blow your green house to smithereens......!!

Given the relative shallow depth of your green house, have you considered SoG or ScroG.......the Mephisto chaps are doing 36 plants in a 1.20x1.20 m tent area.....I would think that way if I had your dimensions.

Guess it also depends on which strains you use...... And how skilfully you hit the ground running on the first lap.
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