New Grower PK and NL

I am smoking some of the Nirvana Northern Lights right now.... it is as good as you hope. It was in my ULH thread if you want to check that one out. Good Luck in your grow. Subbed.
Just passing thru :tiphat:
Just added another purple kush to the grow, it will be for the beer can comp.. It may get hit with some CS though :grin: . ( If you have not joined yet and want to you still can! Have till the 15th!

Can is officially under way !

Quick update, 1/4 strength this morning. Fan wasn't moving enough air around the PK next set of leaves look a little wonky but should not make too big of a deal. The NL is looking good though. I should have put more soil in the pots, I usually get more stretch with the seedling on days 1-2 and add more when they're a little older, guess I finally have the seeds at the right depth."uuuuggghhhh.."

PK Day 12

NL Day 12

Can Contest Day 4
Good luck with your grow! I did the Nirvana NL as my first grow and they turned out amazing. Not a lot of weight on them cause i was a noob and went really light on everything so i didnt kill them! But when it cured, MAN everyone i showed and shared it with were saying it was the best stuff they ever had. (We dont get good stuff where im from :( ) but it was nice! GOOD GROWING!!!
Quick update, bumped nutes up to 1/2 strength for this watering. Northern lights is looking real strong and has a sweet almost skunk smell if you get all up in it's wonderfullness. Purple Kush is starting to look better, leaves are still a little distorted. The can looks ehh.

Elsamurai - ever had pumpkinhead, probably my favorite fall beer?

fatcalvin - thanks man! Hope mine turns out good too! I used to be able to get better quality but now all I can get is just above mid-grade but nothing to call home about, hope fully these ladies will be some jaw droppers :dance2:.

Purple Kush Day 16


Northern Lights Day 16

Can Comp Day 8
Wont be long now she will show you her whohaa :) :pimp: