PJ Project

just a pair of cups stacked? no bigger bottom pot? thats frikin impressive my friend! bravo!:hot::bow::dance::buds:

You got it JM. This let me know how important root drop is. Did this last year with just one cup got a nice plant but nothing like what i am seeing with the 2.

For guys growing in a PC or in tight areas this would be an easy solution to use to get decent yields. Next i plan on LST'ing 2 of them in 1 gal pots. I have a PC case that will hold 2 1 gal pots. If i can get this size and a little bigger should be nice yields in a PC. Time will tell
okay so do you cut the bottom of the top cup/pot off? Or do you just let the roots grow thru the drainage holes?
okay so do you cut the bottom of the top cup/pot off? Or do you just let the roots grow thru the drainage holes?

After about 4 to 5 days of life i will cut the very bottom of the cup off and sink it into the other cup below. I think if they were left to grow through the drain holes i would have had a stumpy plant. Doing this has improved the size in all of my plants.

Yes she did! Smokin' Hot! (or Vapin' Hot - whatever floats your boat...)

thank you sir, and she is smoking hot havent vaped yet but would love too. I see it in the future
last time

You will see these two, they are now in prep for cremation.





Beans from the first one look great nice and dark with those lovely stripes.