Lighting Pineapple Express LED and CFL Grow

Loving the GN pink jungle SI :slap: :smokebuds: are you finding temps with just your GN on bro? Iv just moved mine to the attic and I'm thinking mg of getting a 60w tube heater just incase, especially for night time.
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Loving the GN pink jungle SI :slap: :smokebuds: are you finding temps with just your GN on bro? Iv just moved mine to the attic and I'm thinking mg of getting a 60w tube heater just incase, especially for night time.

Thankyou Mr Kip Temps are great 27c with just the LED running and the room that its in has the window open 24/7 If i turn on the CFLs temps go up to 30c So i think you will be fine for temps in your attic :thumbs:
Cool man I'll fire her up and i've a test run
Sorry its a bit later i totaly forgot to do it..But ive just beeen th=o check and the heght is 19.6 Inch and 20inch in width :smokebuds::peace:Si

nice bro -- pretty even size on HxW.

she is coming along nicely. :gthumb:
pic update tonight

In the next 2 hours need some advice as to how long i should let her ride it out for were at day 51 now and smell very nice and fattening up very nice id say pistils are at 60% white with 40% red/orange.. Doesnt smell much like a pineapple but it is very fruity in smell :dance::drool:
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DSCN1148.jpgDSCN1150.jpgDSCN1151.jpgDSCN1152.jpgThe Pineapple is the one at the front right in the group shotsDSCN1182.jpgDSCN1183.jpgDSCN1184.jpgDSCN1185.jpg