Grow Mediums Pineapple Express Barneys farm & Afghan kush ryder 400w HPS NFT (first grow)

Dude!!....she justed matured way early man,thats no nitro def- thats a nice looking ,dank frigin, Pinnapple Express is what dat is mang.I had a auto blueberry flower way ahead of others one time.Pat yourself on the back as you've succeeded!:head:
this in reference to Pe1...they others although may have some issues,you've got alot of plants in there at diff stages looks like??
yup have 4 blue cheese aswell which i started on the same day as the akr and pineapple express, was thinking of either getting them there own tent to flower or when the autos are done might switch to 12/12 and finish them and fill any gaps in the tent with think different and speed devils was kinda counting on all the autos being at the same stage but this didnt happen so i ended up taking pe1 out and replanted it for the next 10days to flush it seperate from ththe other hydro plants which i dont want to flush for another couple of weeks, also went to get some cal/mag but the shop was out of them and think differents so picking them up friday :)
Have you grown TD's before??I have 3 growing right now, and some of them can become she-monsters man, so give yourself room.That "BUSH PHENO" lurks in 1/5 seeds I think....
Nope never grow anything before ramblnman this is my first grow seen some awesome td grows on here thought it would be a good plant to try next what stage are your td's at ?, hopefully it will grow ok at 12/12, any1 have any experience with td @12/12?. and thanks si :)
Late for the party as usual. :o

Nice looking plant in your hydro set up. :thumbs:

Others are looking good too.