Sweet Seeds Photographic Contest ⊶ Sweet Seeds + AFN ⊷ May 2016

Ice Cool Auto... Potent...

Photographic Contest

★ May 2016 ★

Monthly photographic competition in which we award the 3 best pictures among all the pictures presented by any user of the Sweet Seeds subforum at www.autoflower.net


How to Participate + Contest Rules

1. How to Participate:

1.1 - This contest is only for registered users from AFN with a minimum of 15 pots published at AFN in the moment of the participation. The contestant has to fulfil all the rules imposed by AFN by the moment of the registration in the forum, which he/she accepted;

1.2 - Publish a post with a picture of a plant from the Sweet Seeds genetic collection in this precise thread, including a title for the picture. The title must include the name of the photographed strain(s);

1.3 - We will not accept pictures of plants that are not featured in one of the Sweet Seeds catalogs;

1.4 - We don't accept pictures of extractions;

1.5 - A picture is accepted as valid participation when published between the 1st and the 25th day of every month. When published by the 25th, the time limit is 23h59m (UTC time, London);

1.6 - Commercial mods, as well as forum users who have any kind of contractual professional relationship with Sweet Seeds or any other company that advertises at AFN, can't participate in this contest. Other mods that don't have commercial relations with Sweet Seeds or other companies, can and should participate.

2. Contest Rules:

2.1 - We give preference to pictures uploaded directly in AFN, in the personal gallery of the participant;

2.2 - Each contestant can participate with only 1 picture per month. If you have more nice pics please save them for following months;

2.3 - The pictures have to be originals, authorship of the participant. Using pictures from other person, when detected, originates the permanent elimination from the contest automatically and without previous warning. Besides that a report will be sent to the forum administration so that they can decide if any additional measure should be taken;

2.4 - Any picture from a Sweet Seeds genetic is accepted. It can be flowers, entire plants, groups of plants, full closets, outdoor grows, trichomes, pistils, leaves, stems, roots, small plants, seedlings, germinated seeds and even ungerminated seeds, etc;

2.5 - The contestants can use pictures that were published in the forum in previous months/years, although they can only be used in the case that they haven't yet been used to participate in previous editions of Sweet Seeds contests;

2.6 - Sweet Seeds reserves the right to use the winning pictures in marketing campaigns, articles for magazines, catalogs, Sweet Seeds websites, publications in the Sweet Seeds fan page at Facebook (always rigorously respecting the anonymity of the author), Instagram, Twitter, etc. Even though, the authors of the pictures can keep using them to any other means as they keep their rights over the pictures;

2.7 - The contest is ruled and administrated based on the most elemental fraternity and fair play principles. Any lack of respect, offence or attempt to discredit or defame the contest will leave the prevaricator out of the contest and at the mercy of administrative sanction.

3. Election of the Winners:

3.1 - The election of the winning pictures will be performed internally by a Sweet Seeds jury. The winners are decided by between 3 and 5 members of our team who will give 5 points to their favourite picture, 3 points to the second, 2 points to the third and 1 point to the fourth;

3.2 - The winner announcement will be published in the Sweet Seeds subforum in a thread created for this matter between the 26th and the last day of every month.

4. Shipping the Prizes:

4.1 - Sweet Seeds is responsible to send the prizes in within 30 days after the announcement of the winners;

4.2 - Sweet Seeds denies any responsibility regarding packages that do not arrive to the addressee every time that there are evidences that it was the winner's fault (example: false names that impede to receive the package; mistakes in the address details; prolonged absence of the addressee during the several attempts of the delivery company; etc). In this cases we will not send the package again and the prize will not be attributed;

4.3 - The prize allows for an experience with Sweet Seeds seeds. Among the seeds sent as prizes, if any of them does not germinate, Sweet Seeds will not replace these seeds. Also, if by mistake (imputable to Sweet Seeds) the participant receives different seeds than the one he/she asked for, Sweet Seeds will not send more seeds as a compensation. To Europe we give the opportunity to choose seeds but not always the participant gets exactly what he/she asked for;

4.4 - The winners can choose any strain from the 2016 Sweet Seeds catalog if they receive the seeds in any European country. If they live in Canada or in the USA, the seeds are sent by a distributor and not by Sweet Seeds, which means that the choice of strains is limited. Very limited sometimes. Please read the 2nd post of this thread to get information on which strains you will be able to choose if you live in USA or Canada and win a prize this month;

4.5 - The shipping costs are paid by Sweet Seeds.

5. Validation of Participation:

5.1 - All the users of this forum that submit a picture to this contest automatically assume the full reading and full acceptance of this How to Participate + Contest Rules text.


3 packs of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds

2 packs of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds

1 pack of 5+2 Sweet Seeds seeds



I am a new grower and new to AFN.

Do I still have time to order today and get in the contest if my girls are going by the end of the month?.........:dizzy: