PH Tester - Unreliable?

Dec 14, 2020
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Hi AFN! I was using a Vivosun PH pen and just recently purchased the Apera PH20. Both have been calibrated based on their instructions. Yesterday, I went to water my girl and was going to test out both pens for accuracy. There is a .40 difference between the pens as the Apera is -.4 and Vivosun is +.4. Knowing this, if I target ph of 6.3 I would realistically be between 5.9-6.7. Anyone else experiencing this?
Do you have neutral calibration fluid? Put them both in separate containers of cal fluid and see if they both read the same. If one, or both, are new they may need to break in the sensor a bit before it stabilizes and reads consistently. I calibrated mine once a week until it stopped drifting.

I would probably trust the Apera over the Vivosun unit.

EDIT: General Hydroponics makes a nice 7.0 standard reference fluid. It's cheap on Amazon.
One or both of them are wrong! Calibrate them again and then check in fresh pure test solution and throw away the one that is off by more than 0.01.

Be careful with your test solutions and never cross contaminate them with the pen. Always pour fresh solution into a clean container and test in that fluid and throw it away when done.

I lost 6 plants because I believed a bad PH pen without question. I have two meters now and I constantly test them against each other with fresh calibration fluid. Lessons learned the hard way!
