New Grower pH tester meter

The best soil meter I've seen is the Control Wizard Accurate 8. Cheapest I've seen them as been around $45.
Thanks organic. Muddy is there a difference between soil ph and hydro ph?
Soil testers test your soil/soiless. Pens test your water/nutes.
If you're growing in soil or soil less, you almost need both. One to test the soil and the other for your nutrients. Unfortunately, a soil meter doesn't work well in liquid and vice versa.
Thanks Muddy. This gets expensive. It will be most likely for hydro. To ph the water. So in that case would I only need one?
I invested in the hanna combo ph/ppm meter. Set me back almost $200 but it has been the 1 thing I rely on the most for my hydro grow...and I've seen them a little cheaper on ebay now you just have to look

I use it almost daily, its accurate and easy to use and waterproof. I can check the ph and ppms and water temp all in one shot. You could also use it for soil grow by checking the run off water I suppose to save the hassal of having to buy 2 seperate meters.

Good luck picking "the one"

the love you withold is the pain that you carry
$200 is a bit too much for me at the moment:( Thanks for the input spel
most of this came with my setup so i cant quote price but the little bottles of drops are only a few dollars at pet departments in wal-mart
the rapidtest soil meter is cheap but not very accurate...leave it stuck in the soil a full 15 minutes for a pretty close reading
the tri-meter (blue thing with wires) tests the water i feed with for ph,ec and temp
the meter stuck in the cup of soil is about $50 and works great,a control wizard accurate 8


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