Grow Mediums pH pen calibration: How many points do you use?

Jul 14, 2013
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I've been doing 2 point calibration for a while. 7 and 4, but it's never quite accurate.

When I calibrate at 7 then 4, I notice the very next time I measure 4.0 calibration solution that the meter tells me it's 4.1. The meter also takes a long time to get a consistent reading at 4.

I'm wondering if weekly 1 point calibration (at 7) is enough...

The meter I am using is by Apera.

What kind of calibration do yall do, and how often?
I've been doing 2 point calibration for a while. 7 and 4, but it's never quite accurate.

When I calibrate at 7 then 4, I notice the very next time I measure 4.0 calibration solution that the meter tells me it's 4.1. The meter also takes a long time to get a consistent reading at 4.

I'm wondering if weekly 1 point calibration (at 7) is enough...

The meter I am using is by Apera.

What kind of calibration do yall do, and how often?

Laziness has me calibrating every other month or so using 1 point. I do double check with strips or fluid pH things every now and then.
One of my pet peves is pH pens that read pH to the nearest 0.01, and violating all rules on significant digits.
Cheaper pens that only read to the nearest 0.1 are better.
What do you use for cleaning and storage of your pH pen/ probe

I use Hanna instrument cleaning and storage solutions.. looking for something cheaper!!

If the junction cloth in the probe ain't clean it's gonna be a pita to calibrate.== Longer time to get stable reading.

If the probe is old, the gain/slope of the probe is prob.. Below 80 = probe is to old.= Inconsistent readings.

I calibrate ones a month (2 point)..

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I’ve gotten lazy with the one point calibration on my Bluelab every couple months. I’ve gotten comfortable and know what the pH should be and it’s rarely off. I do keep it clean and store it wet.
single point calibration on my Apera once a month at best, seems stable. gets used once per day and I don’t store it in fluid. once I get up to stronger feeds I know where my mix of RO and nutes ends up so I just use the meter for confirmation more than anything now. good pens, the Apera.
What do you use for cleaning and storage of your pH pen/ probe

I use Hanna instrument cleaning and storage solutions.. looking for something cheaper!!

If the junction cloth in the probe ain't clean it's gonna be a pita to calibrate.== Longer time to get stable reading.

If the probe is old, the gain/slope of the probe is prob.. Below 80 = probe is to old.= Inconsistent readings.

I calibrate ones a month (2 point)..

Stay green

I stopped using storage solution, maybe that's part of the problem.

I've honestly never cleaned a pH meter... Not sure how often I should be doing that... The meter is only about a month or two old.

Thanks for the info, I'll order some storage solution and see if that helps!
I calibrate once per month, always with 7 then 4. I own two Apera ph meters.
I stopped using storage solution, maybe that's part of the problem.

I've honestly never cleaned a pH meter... Not sure how often I should be doing that... The meter is only about a month or two old.

Thanks for the info, I'll order some storage solution and see if that helps!
If the tip of the probe dries out.. it's more ore less useless. Do you still have the Manual [emoji16].. read it.

The Storage solution (kcl) keeps the probe functional.. a dried out probe is often a dead probe..But can come back to life --- get the manual..

Stay green
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If the tip of the probe dries out.. it's more ore less useless. Do you still have the Manual [emoji16].. read it.

The Storage solution (kcl) keeps the probe functional.. a dried out probe is often a dead probe..But can come back to life --- get the manual..

Stay green
Mine says it's ok not to use the solution, but that I'll need to calibrate more often. I have some coming in the mail hopefully in the next few days.

Maybe it will calibrate more quickly if it's stored in solution :cool1:
Mine says it's ok not to use the solution, but that I'll need to calibrate more often. I have some coming in the mail hopefully in the next few days.

Maybe it will calibrate more quickly if it's stored in solution :cool1:
I think the storage solution is "just" to keep the tip not drying out... can't remember really.

But the cleaning of the probe is more important.
To get fast stable readings.
New probes in my diy ph meters , is stable after 4-10 seconds. Depending of the quality of the probe of course.
I stopped using cleaning solution..I just use half and half pH down and water.


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