New Grower pH meter question

I mean you asked for advice, he's giving you great advice the accurate 8 is almost a must specially at the price compared to other meters. Can you grow without one, absolutely. But you run the risk that if there's a defficieny or a problem, you won't be able to properly diagnose it or treat it

I am taking his advice about the meter I've heard that name several times. Just not his choice of nutes. I understand about the importance of checking ph
The horticulture source has the cheapest price on them 48$ I believe with 1 yr warranty. That's for checking your soil. To check your water/feed you need a different meter although the strips should give you a ballpark number on them and they should do for now.
The horticulture source has the cheapest price on them 48$ I believe with 1 yr warranty. That's for checking your soil. To check your water/feed you need a different meter although the strips should give you a ballpark number on them and they should do for now.

Thanks dude. looking at then now.
I am excited for you too. Can't wait to see what you do. :karma Cloud:

What strains are you gonna run?

white widow first followed by cream of the crop. after the widow is done it will be sweet dark devil.

From herbies
Thanks that's what I was guessing. And considering I'm color blind.... I run a reef tank and I'm always having my wife look at the colors for me it drives her nuts. I wonder how she's going to feel when I keep asking "do you think this leaf is turning yellow?" Or are these amber yet?

Thank you

Do you have a recommendation for meter?

You talk about $, so most probably I can not help you very much. I have read many times about Accurate ph 8, which is not sold in europe.
but I will take your advice into consideration after my first grow is done and under my belt.

Sorry to butt into the conversation, here is something else you might care to look at?

If anyone is looking for a good pH meter with a probe can I recommend this?

I have been using this for 2 years, it is extremely accurate and does not need calibrating endlessly (I calibrate before the start of a grow) and is good for soil testing and fluids, the only downside is the glass probe is a little delicate (I have broken one!) but, there are replacement probes available.


The horticulture source has the cheapest price on them 48$ I believe with 1 yr warranty. That's for checking your soil. To check your water/feed you need a different meter although the strips should give you a ballpark number on them and they should do for now.

I use soil ph meter to test water and makes no problem. I have two different ph meters so I compared results at the beginning and saw that one is enough for soil and water, at least Lutron, which I use.
Wrongturn- :grin: ..yeah, the pH thing can make your frontal lobe collapse if you're not familiar with the water chemistry basics behind pH, buffering, water hardness, etc.,... :slaps: .... here's some good info about all this,...I hear you about the costs, but they will pay for themselves in short order when you consider things,... and prevention of FUBAR grow errors will save your sanity as well!...
> the very best, most accurate and efficient way to deal with managing the pH of your water, nute' solutions, and soil is with a pH meter that tests liquids, and that Accurate 8 soil pH probe, for reading actual soil pH in the pot-- nothing beats this for relevance!... I strongly dislike the run-off method because there are way to many sources of potential measurement error in that method,.. it'll do in a pinch, if done spot-on right, otherwise, the readings cannot be trusted... and when your plants are really on the line, rough estimates of pH don't cut it,... nutrient availability, lockout ranges, and corrections may come down to tenths (0.1) differences often,... The problem with color type testers is with the nute' solutions/run-off being colored themselves, which will screw the accuracy right off the bat,... As a aquarium owner, I assume you know enough about water sources, RO/DI vs. tap, hardness, buffering and all that..? (LOL!- also, another meter that's invaluable is an EC or TDS meter, --TDS's can be had for about $20),... Anyway, keeping the soil pH in proper range starts with dialing in your inputs,.. most nute' solutions are acidic, but the water you dissolve them in (hardness) makes a profound difference in stability of the pH, and how readily it can be adjusted,... I'm sure you get it bro', just making the case for you to invest when you can, and be super careful when working/measuring pH's with methods and test gear that's prone to error,... BTW, WG's soils mix needs more lime,... several folks have complained about high acidity,... and keep in mind, how variably sensitive auto seedling are to nutrients,....