>> Corgy- A4's right, in fact, immersion will f' it up,... it's not waterproof, and the way it works, if fluids get inside the probe tubing, it's ruined,... these measure current differences between the two different types of metal the prob is made of, facilitated by the dissolved ions in the soil,... corrosion will FUBAR it's function!
Sure, I wasn't planning on submerging the lot, just the probe. I have 2 cheapish soil pH testers that I use to check if the hydrangeas needs a little acid to keep them blue, no accuracy like canna growing required for that, and when I dip the probe in water there is a nervous flickering of the needle, and it will actually show a close to accurate pH measurement. I have been around pH meters for many years through agua culture.
The A8's probe is also waterproof, so was just wondering. Here is what the maker/distributor American Agriculture has to say
Specifications: Accurate pH 8pH Range: 3.0-8.0 pH.
Moisture Range: 1-8 degrees of moisture present. #1 representing wet, #8 representing dry.
Resolution: 0.2 pH.Accuracy: ±0.2 pH - Suitable for Agricultural Field and Classroom Experiments.
Operating Temp: 45-120 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Calibration: Remove oxidation and oils from entire electrode by light polishing.
Power supply: None – No batteries required
Service: No serviceable parts inside. Do not disassemble. Manufacturer repair only.
Warranty: Replacement or Repair Warranty: 6 months for defective parts and materialsfrom date of manufacture. Proof of purchase required.
Warranty does not cover submersion inliquids, storage in high humidity locations or abuse.Waterproof to body only. Avoid splashing water or rainfall on or around the body and moisturebutton. Not for use in the rain.
Operating Instructions
1. Before using the meter you must lightly polish theentire electrode to remove any oxidation or oilspresent before first use or after storage. Use theenclosed polishing pad or a similar pad found atmost department stores. Scouring powder may beused to clean the electrode should it become highlyoxidized or oily. Filing or grinding is not needed andwill void the warranty.
2. Make sure the soil has been moist for 25-30minutes before testing. This will assure that the soilparticles can transfer the proper electro conductivitycharge to the meter and all soluble elements and compounds that could change the pH of the soilare present and in reaction with one another. Soil pH may change after the addition of fertilizer.When added, organic fertilizers have the tendency to create less pH change to the soil. Chemicalfertilizers have the tendency to create more pH change to the soil when added. Wet and dry soilswill make it harder to determine pH.
3. Insert the meter directly into the soil as pictured. Break uphard soils into small particles before attempting to use themeter, as the meter is not intended or manufactured to forciblypenetrate hard soils. Make sure that the soil is above the brasscolored ring on the meter’s electrode but below the meter’sblack plastic body. Also, make sure that the soil is compactedaround the rings to eliminate any air pockets and insure themeter’s rings are in full contact with the soil. After about tenminutes of contact with the soil, the meter will show the soil’spH. You will notice that the soil’s pH will change at differentdepths and this is normal and expected.
The meter has 8degrees of moisture. #1 representing wet and #8 representingdry. To best use this feature, first determine the ideal moisture content of your soil for the plantspecies you are growing. Insert the meter into the soil and make note of which number the meteris displaying. Press the button to measure the soil’s moisture content. This number will representyour target’s bull’s eye and will help you determine future watering.
4. After each use wipe the meter down with a clean cloth to remove dirt, oil and moisture. Clean andstore the meter in a low humidity environment. Gently remove all oxidization and oils from theelectrode before your next test.