New Grower ph meter and buffer solutions??


Freaky Bush Lady Doctor
Aug 24, 2012
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Well I am planning to buy a ph meter for my first grow. I am looking at a Hanna ph meter and solutions needed. As far as ph buffers I see liquid and powder. The powder I guess its 1 time use packets and the liquid solution I guess can go a little further. My questions are

1- Every how long do you calibrate the meters?

2- with the liquid solution do you actually calibrate it in the actual solution bottle?

3- do the meters come with a store container where I put the storage solution to keep it moist?

Any other info as far how everyone is doing it would be great!! ::peace::
I use a HM digital 200 its about 75 bux come s with a small amount of storage solution but u can buy some for less than 10$. Calibration solution costs less than 10$ that bottle lasts me for over a year and i calibrate every 3 weeks
Hey akito what do u use as far as container to calibrate? Do you use the actual bottle and dip the probe into it? Also mind sharing where you buy your storage and ph buffers at? Thanks for the knowledge
dankor in the lid of ur bottle there should be a little bit of sponge,keep it wet thats one storage container or keep ph pen in a glass/cup with a small bit of tap water above the probe after each use clean probe(i put it under a running tap) i have calabration 7 and calabration 4, i bought my cal. fluids in a grow shop.look after ur pen its a very important piece of growing kit:peace: sj
u put a small bit of calibration solution in a clean cup, glass or whatever and use that to calibrate then throw the little bit out, dont reuse.the lid of the ph pen has spounge in it.i keep my pen in a cup(lid off)with tap water in it:peace: sj
u can even use the cap that the storage solution comes in and use calibration solution in there