Ph in soil

What is the quality of your tap water? If you are on municipal water you can get a water quality report online. If you have really high carbonate content or chloramines (not likely on chloramines since your tea is brewing), you may need to treat or PH the water going in @Bob's Auto's tap water is good yours may not be. I have seen tap waters here as high as 9.2 PH and 400PPM carbonate. Believe it or not this is still ok to drink but it dosen't grow good plants. You just don't know until you check.
Thanks so much for that advice @Bob's Auto's and I'll give the plants a gap in feed, I just fed the photos now befire reading your post but suspect that might do them until next week and ill give water as suggested then the next it'll be the compost tea.

The apollo cherry im just giving plain water as she's on the silicium flash and my autos ill just give the plain water and aireate things over 24hrs and alternate between aireatinf compost tea snd the plain water.
