Grow Mediums Ph fluctuations


I’m not addicted to smoking weed, just growing it
Sep 8, 2021
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Hi everyone! Im on my first AutoPot grow, still in veg will be flowering in the next 1-2wks. Currently using the 12 gallon reservoir that came with the system, GH Flora trio nutes and I have a small water pump that comes on for 15min every 2hrs. I’m having to refill the reservoir every 5-6days. I was setting initial ph at 6.0 but it climbed up to 6.3-6.4 daily so I kept having to ph it down. The last couple refills I’ve ph’d to 5.8 and it seems to climb up slower, generally about .1 ph a day so it’s up to 6.2-6.3 by the time i need to refill. They’re under burple lights now so I looked at them under T5’s last night and they’re starting to show some deficiencies, possibly calcium. Also wanted to add I’m using the 5 gallon smart pots filled with 70/30 coco perlite mix. No pebbles or any other substrate added.

I’m wondering what advice anyone who’s been using AutoPots for a while has for stabilizing ph, especially if you leave the grow unattended for a bit? And what ph range do you recommend staying within?

Long time soil grower, first venture into any reservoir type grow. So this is all new to me. Thanks
I could be wrong, and probably am, but I found that turning down the mixer to four, 15 min periods a day (once every 6 hours instead of every 2) kept my pH from creeping up too quickly. Seems to keep it well mixed.
Ok, I’ll give that a shot. Would probably help keep the water temp down as well. Thanks
Hi bro i grow in autopots year round and i recon you could put your mixing pump as terp says on less . but in the summer the pump used to make my water temp a little high so as im at my grow daily i just sometimes just give it a good stir daily with a pole and dont use the pump and that will normally stop it rising so much also i try to keep my ph around 6 ish and that may rise a little
Hi bro i grow in autopots year round and i recon you could put your mixing pump as terp says on less . but in the summer the pump used to make my water temp a little high so as im at my grow daily i just sometimes just give it a good stir daily with a pole and dont use the pump and that will normally stop it rising so much also i try to keep my ph around 6 ish and that may rise a little
Thanks! How often that water pump comes on seems to be a combo factor. Do you seem to have the healthiest plants with ph right at 6.0? In soil I’ve always tried to stay at 6.5. I’d go 6.6-6.7 if I saw some deficiencies but never lower.
If in coco PH to 5.8, If in peat PH to 6.2, If in soil PH to 6.4.

The reason for the PH change is the calcium carbonate is dropping out of solution when exposed to air. It is normal and expected. I PH my reservoirs daily, sometimes multiple times a day. It is just part of farming. If you cannot be around there are automatic dossers available $$$.
Thanks! How often that water pump comes on seems to be a combo factor. Do you seem to have the healthiest plants with ph right at 6.0? In soil I’ve always tried to stay at 6.5. I’d go 6.6-6.7 if I saw some deficiencies but never lower.
I only generally grow in coco so 6.0 is normaly great for me rising up to 6.2
I use autopots on and off, gh trio, and sometimes jacks321....res ph 5.8ish and sometimes she drifts to ~6.3 by the time it needs to be filled, hand stir once a day if I am not travelling. Generally, the more the res is filled the less drift....good luck! I really don't fuss with drift.
I really appreciate everyone’s advice. Changed the pump to only come in 4x a day on Friday, set the ph at 6.0 and we’re currently at 6.0 on Monday morning
Right now I check the plants daily so it’s not a issue, I can adjust if needed. The reason I’m converting to AutoPots is that the kids are out of the house so the wife and I want to do more on the weekends and take mini vacations. I like this system because I don’t have to worry if the power goes off while we’re gone like I would with hydro. Fill the res and go enjoy life
I really appreciate everyone’s advice. Changed the pump to only come in 4x a day on Friday, set the ph at 6.0 and we’re currently at 6.0 on Monday morning
Right now I check the plants daily so it’s not a issue, I can adjust if needed. The reason I’m converting to AutoPots is that the kids are out of the house so the wife and I want to do more on the weekends and take mini vacations. I like this system because I don’t have to worry if the power goes off while we’re gone like I would with hydro. Fill the res and go enjoy life
Enjoy your retirement :thumbsup: