I can only update by replying to a comment...But here goes,
Week 9 I think. They've kind of put on a growth spurt upwards, I'm guessing this is the final push of the stretch. There's definitely some strong colour coming out in two of them, the bushy one and the shortest upright one, the other is staying green but still looks nice and sexy.
They had a 50/50 feed this week (half growth half bloom) and will get another like it later this week then I'll see if they've stopped going vertical or not for the next feed.
I must say I've noticed that using the Buddahstree supplements has given them a nice healthy glossy look and now the buds are starting to swell nicely and are all covered in frostiness.
Nearly on the home run now and I must say they've been a pleasure to watch grow
Thanks for dropping by, here's some pics
Yep, with colder night temps, should help them purple up more! See the edges of the leaves? should go all black on ya! You are in for a treat! Just make sure that the plants go at least 5 weeks from pollenation date to mature the seeds at minimum! If you can, keep em going until the seed pods split and look as if the seeds will just fall out, then it time to chop and sort!:thumbsup: The whole dragon line can go 90+ days, so dont be afraid to keep em going! This one has my attention...

Do you see any seed pods forming on the buds you pollenated yet? Brother, they look sweet and you are rockin dem dragons!:headbang:
Thanks for the words of encouragement @briman
I keep looking at the branches I dusted but to be honest the size (they're fat) of all the individual flowers/pods it's hard to tell, so I'll just have to wait until harvest.
I was planning on letting them go to around the 13/14 week mark which means another 4/5 weeks.
Since the pics were taken on Wednesday the very top sugar leaves that had a purple edge to them have darkened even more and looking at them from underneath they are solid purple, I'll get some pics tomorrow if the lights good, it doesn't show up when I use the flash because the frosty good stuff just reflects all the light.
I was planning on dropping 6 new seeds this weekend 2 of the Vaults, 2 of Autoflor's C+ and 2 Blackberry dragons but as I have 15 C+ they can all go in together for the first outdoor grow 2016 and I'll drop 2 Blackberry's and 2 of the Purple stones along with the vaults 2.
You are a busy, happy camper! Enjoy those dragons! 5 more weeks and you will have some big fat budulas! When in doubt, grow it out. If you dont get seeds this run, dont fret, there is always next time. Besides, you may want to use the other crosses to breed with. Keep up the great work man!
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A few Saturday morning pics. The colours definitely starting to come out now....
Found a couple of nasty flying things, I think they're thrips so up went the sticky strips and I've caught a few but there's not that many and with being outside it's one of the hazards you encounter so as long as they don't get out of hand I'll have to live with them for the next 4 weeks.
Pretty praying plants Peteey!(say that 5 times fast) If it is available, you can get an insecticide called, SM-90. Dilute it to 1part SM-90 to 5 parts water and spray the plants right before sundown. Thrips prefer the flowering tops and fresh young leaves and leave shiny silver spots, where they are sucking the chlorophyll. Nasty little buggers. Keep a close eye on em, as a thrip infestation can wreak some heavy damage. :thumbsup: