Peat pots BAD

2 solo cups. One inside with the bottom 2 inches cut off. When time to transplant, slip off the outside cup and leave the inside cup in place.

This is what I did after peat pots and I liked it real well. It never occurred to me that I didn't have to install the cup right to the rim. Man Arthur those are some awesome happy looking plants.
Besides the ecological reasons for not using peat, you just have to look at how it's processed. Companies process tons of this at a time. They don't shovel it by hand. They literally will be running over it with front end loaders that could be dripping diesel, hydraulic fluid, oil and what all
2 solo cups. One inside with the bottom 2 inches cut off. When time to transplant, slip off the outside cup and leave the inside cup in place.

Raises the plant off the bag, giving you more room to water etc. I haven't had any issues with stunting or small ladies. Been running this way for about 2 years now.View attachment 1302617View attachment 1302618
And... they're reusable.
I do something similar with yogurt containers. But I separate the bottom and split the sides before using them. This allows me to remove the entire container when I transplant.

But I like your system a lot!
I've seen the same pots made but with Coco I bought them and they were fine they were at the dollar store then I tried to buy them again but i was stoned and when I got home I realised they were the cardboard one
i use peat pellets to germinate. their ph is 7.0 . been using them for 11 years. my germ rate is 95% . stunting? i don't think so. not with five foot auto's. if put in peat on new moon, seeds are up is 24 to 36 hours.
the two in back broke the five foot mark. I like Peat.
I have used both peat pellets to germinate seeds and peat pots for starters.

The pucks did their job just fine for germinating and cloning.

The pots severely stunted the plants.

Peat pots have stunted any plants I have put in them, cannabis or not. I will never use them and advise my friends to steer clear.
I use pellets too. I also use peat in water only mixes. This referring to the small jiffy pots that are made of a like dehydrated peat. Those I hate with a passion. The pellets/plugs are fine imo just to clarify.
I have used both Jiffy pots and pellets for cannabis and vegetables with no issues.

I have used the jiffy pots with no issues. But when up potting I always cut the bottom, split the side before inserted into final pot. Then I simply pull the peat peat out. i have never just planted the whole thing so have no experience with that.

The pellets I have left the netting on and off, saw no difference. Sometimes before the seedling is visible I will hqve a root already poking thru the mesh so can't remove it. Last night I jarred up a Blue Dream matic that started in jiffy pellet, netting stayed on. Came in at 124 grams dry and holding 62% humidity in jar.