Yo Steppa, drFeelgood is from Short Stuff, available in most seedbanks. One of the few autos for sale that are not feminized.
Breeding auto into wally's ducksfoot is a challenge. I would like to follow your grow if you take on that job. Two recessive traits is a hassle to breed, as the numbers must be a lot higher, and it takes ages to complete. My suggestion is instead buying DP auto duck, which is already a stable autoflowering ducksfoot. Readily available, no ruderalis low potency, all the work already done. Or you can play with crosses of auto duck and photo duck. But if you do it for the fun of it I'd say get on it, just be aware of the complexity of trying to stabilize two recessive traits and at the same time maintaining potency.
I have to work with two recessive traits when both aiming for recessive leaves and autoflowering, but as there is no available product, I have to make it myself. My climate is so northern that I need auto. I also want more discreet buds.
Buds are a big problem with Freakshow. (for stealth that is) In full flowering there is no mistake what plant we're dealing with. Huge colas. Freakshow has beautiful leaves, and it is a very cool plant, with potency just like any normal one. It does also have quite a few leaf variations, and some look just like normal leaves with just more serration. So in my opinion it is not so much stealth as ABC. Hyb's improved version of ABC, subterfuge#1, also has big buds that give it away. His auto version, auto bastard, that's a bigger freak than Freakshow. It has tiny mutant abc leaves and humongous buds! On some photos all you see are buds on a stick. No trimming needed. So it is a wonderful creation. Freakshow is as well. They just don't work as stealth when in flowering. For my purpose, small beady buds are more discreet. The smaller, the better.
So my project is a daunting one, combining several recessive traits, and aiming for low yield, hoping to compensate for the yield with potency. Not a commercial product, but the joy is all in the process..