If you look on the internet you can find power supplies for external ide or sata connectors for about 10 bucks. They have the proper connection to tie right into PC fans with no mods or rewiring and can run many fans at once. Those are what I use.
Thanks Scott. So I got adapter that you posted, I tried hooking it up to the fan and it doesn't run. I know the fans work when their connected to the power supply, but they dont seem to work when I connect it directly to the adapter
I have the same problem RC.I have 2 100cfm Tornado fans that run at 12v 1 amp dc.I hooked one up to a 12v 1 am dc power adapter and it runs at 1/2 to 3/4 speed.I can hook it up to the computer and it runs like a scalded rat.I can't for the life of me figure out why it won't run at full speed with the power adapter.
Dang,I really wanted to use those fans too.
Can anybody clue us in as to why it won't run at full speed with the power adapter?
I splice into power packs I get at goodwill. Works great and my cab runs just fine. It's whisper quiet when I use over sized server fans and low volt packs (6-9V) I'm putting a desk in the room next to the cab, I expect the computer will drown out the cab.
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