ParfactWorks, Zeusol ZE250 Test/Review

Fire In The Hole!
  • We're off and running!

    As I previously mentioned, the grow cycle will be completed in a 32x32x63. Strain of choice will be Twenty20 Mendocino's Ogreberry 2B(Sour Grape Pheno) tester. I will let her run her course under the ZE250, set at 20/4. She's planted direct in Happy Frog, with added Mycorrizae in a 7 gallon fabric pot. She will be fed my preferred combination of organic dry ammendments, in my normal allotted time frames.

    Thanks for stopping in!
    First Impression Summary
  • :toke:

    Upon taking the ZE250 out of the box, what becomes completely apparent is the all around exceptional build quality. The finish was completely unblemished, and it has a heft that doesn't feel cheap in the slightest. The lights lock solidly to the driver body with zero play, once locked into place. The heavy duty metal dimmer knobs seem to be of higher quality. The dimmer themselves are very responsive, responding at the first slight turn from off. They're buttery smooth, and without any type of play. So far, I am thoroughly impressed with the unit.

    Thanks for stopping by fellow growers !
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