Outdoor outdoor stealth harvesting



How do i stealth harvest my plants, can i just go to my spot cut off the cola and various other places where bud has formed and shove it in a bin bag, im assuming thats the easiest way. then i just cut the leaves off of the bud ive collected and then let em dry out.
to get it done quick, bow saw take whole plant, bag it and run!..................................a good idea is do it when no one is watching!:crying::peace:
best way to do it is to cut the top colas first and bag those bi@thcs first.. just in case you gots to do the runner.... that way you got the heavy buds in the sack ready to go incase things go sour ;)
i though just cut the plant from the bottom bag it then run somewhere secure cut the bud off ditch the cuttings and bolt home lol.
thats it! you can trim at your leaisure! smallest amount of time at site the better! if everything goes well site can be used again.:toke: good luck!
Haha I cut the bud and large fan leaves, jumped out of the bush, turned into Usain bolt and darted to my bike, which was geniusly concealed in ambush. Then turned into Chris hoy for the last stretch and was awarded with some ganja medals. Also has anyone heard of any outdoor drying methods?
I've heard some strains in the middle east, where they cut the stalks and let the plant cure/dry on the ground. however, they have pretty dry conditions. I would say you could pop your trimmed buds in a brown paper bag and let it sit in the sun somewhere safe. Keyword being... SAFE. I would bring the bag inside at night too, since dew and moisture could accumulate. Just think of how you would air dry your ball sack after a rain storm. LOL
I was talking about drying at the location itself as getting caught with it wet is going to get you in a lot more trouble than if it was dry :howdy:
i have dried plants at a sewage treatment station before, there are rooms there where i could grow 40 plants and get away with it, nobody ever go's in there, if all you need is 1-2 weeks to dry it then somewhere like this could be an idea. its a bit sketchy but better than filling your home with 20 10ft plants.. im thinking about hang drying in the trees this year, i want to do a massive crop to see if i can make myself enough hash to last a year. if the autos grow fast enough here in the uk it should still be warm enough to dry outside.. maybe..

just got this picture in my head of a load of mj plants hang drying in a tree.. :crying:
Hahahaha that is a great image! I'm planning on doing about 40 plants myself. Hanging from trees doesn't sound like a bad idea either. The issue I had with that was theyd be drying in the light. I was thinking along the lines of some sort of box with some camp mesh over it or something. Hmmmmm