Outdoor Outdoor , organic pest control

May 19, 2015
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looking for something to spay on my babies to keep the bugs off, spider mites ect . ive used shit mix of my old spliff/cig buts soaked in water with a splash of cider vinegar i think i heard somewhere this works but im not so sure.
is there anything els?
You try a pyrethrin spray? I don't know if "Don't bug me" is organic but it is plant based.
EEEk Nooooo - What do you think your professional pest removal people will use \o/. Ok I've worked in greehouses which each spring were sterilised by using pesticide bombs - think large cones of incense burning toxic to everything smokes and you got it. Professional bug removers use professional chemicals that the average consumer can't get their hands on (for the simple reason they are toxic and dangerous to use). I would never use these on weed that I wanted to smoke - maybe in a seed production environment but even then with great caution.

For Spider Mite try a soapy solution sprayed onto the plants - Spider Mites don't like the extra humidity and the soapy solution breaks down their ability to use their 'webs' - simple loss of tension that the soapy bit brings. Make sure to spray the undersides of leaves as well - you can protect the growing pot from getting a big dose of soap by wrapping it up in a poly bag before spraying. This can take a few weeks of spraying but after then you should be free of mites.

Pyrethrum is an organic compound (natures insecticide) but even then I would only consider using it on plants that haven't started flowering - after that I'd be very cautious even tho it is supposedly safe for fruit n veg production, and I've used it as such but I normally peel veg before eating, and have never smoked gooseberries :D

The best remedy for bugs is :

A) Isolate the plants infected from any that aren't
B) If the bugs are big - squish them ALL (bad karma I know but I got no soul so the bug gets it IMO), slugs snails etc are dead meat in my garden.
C) Use organic non harmful additives to foliar sprays wherever possible.
D) Only use chemicals when everything else fails - and choose those wisely and follow instructions carefully - as I said I wouldn't want to use chemicals on plants once they were in flower unless it's for seed production.

Hi Tech solutions - if you have a particular infestation do look online to see if there is an organic biological/nematode solution. These are only normally worth while in enclosed spaces such as greenhouses and are normally (but not always) applied via a foliar spray.

Getting in professional bug killers and their chemical soups - er no thanks.
As an aside note : I once had an outdoor plant that I thought OMG it's gonna get eaten alive cause something had planted small clusters of little yellow eggs all over the underside of several leaves. I was gonna chop them all off ! but decided to do a bit of research first - they were all Ladybird eggs and posed only a threat to any Aphids that might want to come along that year.

Gotto know your friends as well as your enemies.