Outdoor Harvest Time Questions

Hey guys, I have gotten a loupe and taken some more photos of the plant and close ups of the trichomes.
The leave have continued to go yellow, but I guess this is natural lifecycle winding down? Sugar leaves still green.
looking at those trichomes she still has a little way to go. Ideally you want to be seeing 15-30% turning brown. Also depends what you like the less brown trics the more of a head than body stoned you have. Hope that helps
There is a really good thread somewhere with close up pics to show you what stage to harvest. Have a search for it it’s a good read aswell :)
looking at those trichomes she still has a little way to go. Ideally you want to be seeing 15-30% turning brown. Also depends what you like the less brown trics the more of a head than body stoned you have. Hope that helps
There is a really good thread somewhere with close up pics to show you what stage to harvest. Have a search for it it’s a good read aswell :)

Thanks for the reply. Every bit of input helps! I've seen those pics you're talking about, but since this is my first grow, I wanted to get some input from some more experienced growers about what they look like. Thanks!
Hey guys, I have gotten a loupe and taken some more photos of the plant and close ups of the trichomes.
The leave have continued to go yellow, but I guess this is natural lifecycle winding down? Sugar leaves still green.

yup, still got a lil wayz to go :thumbsup: ppp