Outdoor Outdoor Easy Ryder and Cream Caramel Auto



Hi to everyone! I am new to the forum and this is my first post and my first grow ever. I hope that i will find help for the problem i have.
I have started 3 Easy Ryders and 3 Cream Caramels auto. They all emerged from soil on the first of July. They are in 10 Ltr pots - organic soil, perlite, worm cast. I have fed them two times - NPK 10-40-10. This is a balcony grow with 6-7 hours direct sunlight. They are about 25-30" high. They are all heavily seeded - they were pollinated by some males in the neighborhood during early flowering and i could not do anything to prevent this. By far 62 days passed and i am a little bit confused. I have tested some buds on day 50, 55 and 60 from both strains - i took them from the middle of the plant. There was no buzz at all - absolutely no high or subtle change in head or body. The plants are looking great - dark green leafs dark brown\orange pistils and a very few new. I took a shot of some of these buds and i am posting them hoping that someone could help me to figure out what is going on. As far as i can see from the pictures trichomes are almost all milky with a very few amber - isn't that supposed to mean that i am right in the max potency period - if so, why i do not get any buzz. I tested the sampled buds with a friend of mine with no effect for both of us. What i am doing wrong? Should i wait for a couple of weeks or what. I am worried that very soon all the trichomes will become amber and the harvesting window will pass.

Please excuse me for my grammar and language, but English is not my native language. Any help is highly appreciated!!
Congratulations on your first grow & welcome to the forum !
Watch out, growing is a very addicting "hobby" ...

Your plants : it depends what you're after, the seeds, the weed
or both ? You need to dry the buds before you can smoke them.
If the seeds are ripe I'd cut the whole plant, remove the fan leaves
and hang it somewhere to dry in a dark cool and well ventilated
place with low humidity.
Just my 2 cents

Good luck
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Pictures Update

Hi baldheadedbastard and Thai Buddha Man! Thank you for your quick responces.
I was not at home for about 10 days and my wife was taking care for the ladies during that period. I gave her instructions about watering, nutes and trichomes.
10 weeks and two days have passed since the beggining of the plant's life. I am seeking for max potency not for seeds.
I tested the potency 12 days ago and there was nothing i could name buzz or head high. Today i took some pictures /the top of the coala of each palnt and some buds from the bottom/ and i am posting them hoping that somebody would help me to figure out what i am supposed to do.
The trichomes look unchanged, or there is a very little change. Please take a look at the pictures and share your opinion - should i wait more for amber trichomes to come out, or i should i wait for another week or two and chop whether with amber trichomes or not.
Thank you very much!
I agree with TBM that the seeding is taking away some of your potency. Energy goes to making seeds instead. I also think you may have sampled it a bit early. Judging from the color of the fan leaves it looks like they need another 2-3 weeks before they are ready to harvest. I've always found that outdoor plants take a bit longer than indoor ones. While you have plenty of trics, they do look immature in the photos. Take a look at this thread for more info on when to harvest. https://www.autoflower.org/f44/when-harvest-autos-your-leaves-will-tell-you-4889.html
Thank you Muddy! I was very worried that they will never get potent, but when i took a look at your post about when to harvest i became just less worried. I will follow your advice and will wait at least 2 more weeks. I will continue to monitor trichomes colors and all the factors listed in your article with a new hope for some potent weed.
Still look green to me, do you take off the yellowing leafes ?
I usually go by the amount of mould on the buds or the emptyness of the stash tin !!! But i live in a wet country with crappy weather
Use a magnifying glass and go by the colour of the trichromes but ive never had a seeded plant so i cant really help. Plants look sweet though