Glad u caught the mold early bro coulda been way worse! I too have cut several autos and one photos early dues to mold it is extremely humid and rainy for over a week now n near future not looking to bright so fingers crossed for the rest....sweet tooth bud with a wee bit of mold ....

Keep observing closely!! Dammit, just started pissing rain again!! Hope it doesnt get too nuts!
still haven't gotten my SD-card back, so lower quality phone-pics again this update.

overall this looks like it's going to be one of my worse growing years, but luckily not everything is lost yet. part is the weather(the drought+ heat al summer was ridiculous, fucked me quiet a bit on guerilla, although I still have some plants alive at guerilla, but a bit over half died and the remaining are quiet small, but I did harvest some autoflower at guerilla 2 weeks ago or so), some experiments in the way I grow at home that didn't work out exactly as hoped, and some bad luck with some genetics(own crosses that are not stabilized yet, so a lot of unexpected things can happen, and one other strain that I grew once before in my 1st year growing, but is not looking like it did back then at all, and hermi-ing, it's now a bunch of extremely loose foxtails full of seeds). I kind of could've expected it though, but when choosing what to grow I was a bit more focussed on choosing stuff that'll help my breeding projects along instead of picking more sure/riskfree crosses for a better harvest(part of that decision was due to counting on guerilla to suplement it though, but then I got this bad year for guerilla).

but on to the pics.
A4 s1. not flowering yet, but I think she will start soon, her sister already started. not all you see in the pic is the A4 btw, there's another plant(not a contestant) behind it.

2nd, the WS07A6. this is one of this years failures. it has finally started taking off after a long time stalling, but still no flowering, while the point of this cross was to make it earlier(the WS07 is wild super 07, an early strain). however there's a sister of this plant that I will continue working with, since that sister is already pretty far into flower, one of the earliest plants this year. so my expectations for this cross did come true, just not for this particular plant.

and finally, my favorite plant this year. A4s1 x WS07A6. it combines 2 of my favorite plants of last year(A4 and A6), which were sisters but both had different good traits(A4 stood out in smell/taste, good calyx/leaf ratio and was earliest, A6 stood out for hardiness, vigour, mold resistance and fatter, denser buds, but with more leaf, and she lacked the good smell/taste of the A4).
has already been flowering for a while, healthy vigour, bud structure so far looks ok, not too loose, and the unique smell from the A4-side is coming trough in stem rubs, although I still have to see how it'll turn out in the harvested product.
it's a bit smaller as my other plants since it was started later, but it's showing plenty of vigour, with an earlier start this cross could easily give monsters I think.
and based on when it started flowering I think it's early enough for guerilla, so I want to try selfed seeds from this plant next year at guerilla to see what they can do.

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Here’s my triply gorillas. I’ve applied a load of LST to keep them low. I’ve also put them in an overgrown area of the garden to help disguise them. It’s even quite tricky to work out what here the plants are in this pic. The smell is becoming a little concerning. If they stink up big time I’ll have to withdraw from the competition. Hopefully it won’t come to that.
I also have two silver bullet haze autos that are flowering outside. They’re looking ok but I won’t enter them for the comp.

@912GreenSkell apologies for not updating sooner bro

Quick pics update at day 106 believe it of not!

Stitches Love Potion Auto all chopped and in jars so here she is naked!


Barneys Pineapple Express Auto is about 30% harvested, here's what's left.


And Dutch Passion Autocompassion CBD Lime still flowering.



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Yes Q, you know that!! [emoji16] got the tunnel up then the sun came back out, bloody typical lol we might get some decent buds now he's back out [emoji274]

Boo'sBuds [emoji271][emoji263][emoji268]
Maybe......i've heard we're in for abit more good weather this month but we'll see. So far it's been back to heatwave temps this week up here