@dankstyle J -- much better!

... doesn't look 99% amber anymore-

-- I see the weather up there, clear up to where FullDuplex lives, and the rain has been a bitch-

... The hoopy has been a hero! Have you seen that gorgeous Durban Poison lately?

damn she fine! And just starting to bloom too, a real landrace in behavior demanding that 12/12...
Dank, if you want, I'll help more with the pics... I suggest turning the buds upright, and find a dark fabric, low gloss plastic or something as a background, and help the bud stand out better... Getting good Sun pic's is difficult, the angle has to be just right; the more front-on, the better generally, keeps the shadowing down; the pain there is not getting your own shadow covering the subject! ... Mid-day is better than low angle Sun morn'/eve,....
Can you find/borrow a good LED flashlight? That's still the pervy-best....

I did tinker with your pic some.... I blew it up some in Paint, then cropped out excess background,.... whatever you reshoot, I'll gladly help dial it in if you like...
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