How do you find that Durrty Dragon album?
Hey on my name above my the Profile button..and that will take you through to my Albums....:thumbs:
IF FD's photos win..
then the prize will go to who ever comes in second....
Duurty Dragon
is from Mine and FD's new joint Power Meds He doesn't need them..
This one will be a while in the making...coz she is just isolating out from the DC Black Dragon line.
Sati Dragon should please a lot of people......:smokebuds:
Not colorful like FD's but it's the biggest JEM I've had...
Lovely JD..she looks like one of the Amazonians waiting to step out....:clap:
You know...I Like the white phenos..fastest..strongest meds...:smokebuds:
OverYonder...Welcome to our Home Bro..........
Lovely colours you have there..I see purple and red mixes..
Well Grown..they are in Brilliant condition.......:clap:
Wait a minute...OverYonder..are you SF...?
man, I wish i would of bought jems instead of
Cheers marysayshigh...
IF you have some nice photos of your DR..try her in the Bud of the Month competition..we have a seed sponsored prize for the Best..:thumbs:
is it just me or does anyone else feel a swell of
overall well bieng looking at MMJ that has some red in it?
That depends if you get the red with the viagra effect...