Sep 8, 2020
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So, I’m very new to this and am ready to start growing my blue dream auto and dr jack.
I [think] I’m purchasing a 600W led and am dead set on growing with all natural fertilisers (kelp meal, worm castings, bat guano etc) in coco coir/perlite.

Would it be risky to only feed them “compost tea” and top dressing the soil, is it possible to grow autos this way?
So, I’m very new to this and am ready to start growing my blue dream auto and dr jack.
I [think] I’m purchasing a 600W led and am dead set on growing with all natural fertilisers (kelp meal, worm castings, bat guano etc) in coco coir/perlite.

Would it be risky to only feed them “compost tea” and top dressing the soil, is it possible to grow autos this way?
@hotdogking15 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Good Organic soil starts 6 months or more before you want to grow in it. It is the microbes living in the soil that break down the kelp meal, worm castings, bat guano etc into the form the plants can assimilate.This is a slow process. What you are proposing will not work at all since Coco and Perlite Is a Hydroponic Soilless Medium.

First your light Is it really 600 watts most LED light sellers Use Hocus Pocus to describe their lights More than likely it is a 100w (actual at the wall watts) light with a poor PPFD foot print. Learn about this stuff before wasting money. If they are not showing you the spectrum and PPFD foot print at different heights don't even consider them.

This is a pretty good spectrum to look for:

ScreenHunter_298 Sep. 08 13.44.jpg

And this is a sample of a PPFD foot print You want to be have at least 800 in flower.

ScreenHunter_298 Sep. 08 13.41.jpg

The more you know the better it will be for your plants.
@hotdogking15 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Good Organic soil starts 6 months or more before you want to grow in it. It is the microbes living in the soil that break down the kelp meal, worm castings, bat guano etc into the form the plants can assimilate.This is a slow process. What you are proposing will not work at all since Coco and Perlite Is a Hydroponic Soilless Medium.

First your light Is it really 600 watts most LED light sellers Use Hocus Pocus to describe their lights More than likely it is a 100w (actual at the wall watts) light with a poor PPFD foot print. Learn about this stuff before wasting money. If they are not showing you the spectrum and PPFD foot print at different heights don't even consider them.

This is a pretty good spectrum to look for:

View attachment 1231434

And this is a sample of a PPFD foot print You want to be have at least 800 in flower.

View attachment 1231432

The more you know the better it will be for your plants.

Thanks for your quick reply!! I have compost already that I was going to add to it so will look for different growing arrangements, I just heard coco was good for growing in. I’m looking at reputable brands for the lights and the true wattage is 600 so that’s one thing at least!

This site is definitely gonna be helpful in the future!! :smoking:
Thanks for your quick reply!! I have compost already that I was going to add to it so will look for different growing arrangements, I just heard coco was good for growing in. I’m looking at reputable brands for the lights and the true wattage is 600 so that’s one thing at least!

This site is definitely gonna be helpful in the future!! :smoking:
Coco is good for cannabis. Coco and perlite with a bunch of other stuff makes good soil but you need to make it in advance so it can "cook" There are off the shelf mixes made in advance but they usually run out of nutrients after 3 or 4 weeks and you need to feed from that point on. This is the tricky part though because you don't know what to feed. It is hard for a new grower. @Proph is an Organic grower and he can help with ideas to get started.
Another 'organic' growing option that few seem to consider [I use 'synthetic' nutes] is using hydroponic base nutrients that are made from 'organic' ingredients and meet requirements for being labeled 'organic.' For example, Adv. Nutrients offers Iguana Juice Organic (Grow and Bloom) and Mother Earth Super Tea Organic, both 1-part nutes which claim to be as good as 'synthetic' nutes. And from there you can grow in either 'organic' soil, coco, etc. -- be all 'organic.'

Regarding a 600 watt draw LED: That sounds like a lot nowadays if it is the actual power usage (the 'draw'); and if they report wattage that is not actual usage/draw, to me that right there is enough to make me avoid that product. 600 real watts should cover a good-sized area - large enough that most experienced would likely consider it better to have more than just 1 big central light, such as have 2 or 3 smaller ones that can be adjusted independently. I suggest look at COBs, such as AutoCOBs, and 'quantum boards' vs. traditional-type LEDs. Personally, if a grow light has a fan, I'd avoid it.
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Another 'organic' growing option that few seem to consider [I use 'synthetic' nutes] is using hydroponic base nutrients that are made from 'organic' ingredients and meet requirements for being labeled 'organic.' For example, Adv. Nutrients offers Iguana Juice Organic (Grow and Bloom) and Mother Earth Super Tea Organic, both 1-part nutes which claim to be as good as 'synthetic' nutes. And from there you can grow in either 'organic' soil, coco, etc. -- be all 'organic.'

Regarding a 600 watt draw LED: That sounds like a lot nowadays if it is the actual power usage (the 'draw'); and if they report wattage that is not actual usage/draw, to me that right there is enough to make me avoid that product. 600 real watts should cover a good-sized area - large enough that most experienced would likely consider it better to have more than just 1 big central light, such as have 2 or 3 smaller ones that can be adjusted independently. I suggest look at COBs, such as AutoCOBs, and 'quantum boards' vs. traditional-type LEDs. Personally, if a grow light has a fan, I'd avoid it.
+1 on the no fan! There is no bloody need for them any more, they are just one more thing to screw up.
Another 'organic' growing option that few seem to consider [I use 'synthetic' nutes] is using hydroponic base nutrients that are made from 'organic' ingredients and meet requirements for being labeled 'organic.' For example, Adv. Nutrients offers Iguana Juice Organic (Grow and Bloom) and Mother Earth Super Tea Organic, both 1-part nutes which claim to be as good as 'synthetic' nutes. And from there you can grow in either 'organic' soil, coco, etc. -- be all 'organic.'

Regarding a 600 watt draw LED: That sounds like a lot nowadays if it is the actual power usage (the 'draw'); and if they report wattage that is not actual usage/draw, to me that right there is enough to make me avoid that product. 600 real watts should cover a good-sized area - large enough that most experienced would likely consider it better to have more than just 1 big central light, such as have 2 or 3 smaller ones that can be adjusted independently. I suggest look at COBs, such as AutoCOBs, and 'quantum boards' vs. traditional-type LEDs. Personally, if a grow light has a fan, I'd avoid it.
Noted! Smaller wattage and more lights if I need to expand.. Also had no idea about the fans, I’ll definitely look into it!!
And that definitely seems like a good soil plan, I have all the stuff anyway cause I’m a plant person so hopefully all goes well and I don’t completely massacre my first grow!

Thanks for all the help it’s really really appreciated!!