New Grower Organic Fert+Nirvana Flowertabs+4 Auto

hi chester. i just upload some pic. as yoy can see in the pic. auto bombs fan leaves are getting more and more yellow. most of the pistill already turn orange color. however buds are swelling up. is it normal for the plant for pistill to turn brown at this stage. last time i grow also same. around this time most of the fan leaves turn yellow. couldnt find the problem last time also. what do u think how long do i need more for auto bomb to finish. all other 3 are ok but bottom some of the bottom old leaves are yellowing also. cant find problem. but would it be ok to leave it like that.
also look like nitrogen def at late flowering stage. already at week8. so should i just leave it or fix it. dunno
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If they were mine I'd give the healthiest 2 or 3 an additional 1/4 Flower tab ... I think the one that is yellowing so bad is just hungry so it might benefit also ... it's normal for the plants to begin to yellow about now ... it's not uncommon for two similar plants to have totally different nutritional needs ... the buds are responding well to the added light ... I base my harvest time on the condition of the buds and pistils don't worry too much about the leaves ...
If they were mine I'd give the healthiest 2 or 3 an additional 1/4 Flower tab ... I think the one that is yellowing so bad is just hungry so it might benefit also ... it's normal for the plants to begin to yellow about now ... it's not uncommon for two similar plants to have totally different nutritional needs ... the buds are responding well to the added light ... I base my harvest time on the condition of the buds and pistils don't worry too much about the leaves ...
k. chester. thx but im worry that its gonna burn like autobomb if i put 1/4tab more. however if i have a chance i will put more. let see wats gonna happen in couple days. how many days more u think for harvest of autobombs.
autobomb day 57 bud shot
Looks about 3 weeks left to me ... really starting to pack on frost ... looks great .
hi chester. i was out of the down for 4 days. i underwatered the plant. i thougy i would take only 2 days but couldnt make it.
when i come back my plants are dehydrated. all the leaves are wilted and most of the leaves are crispy and hard now.
so i feed water right away. hope its not gonna die. does it look really bad.dunno how bad it is.
pls take a look
hi chester. i was out of the down for 4 days. i underwatered the plant. i thougy i would take only 2 days but couldnt make it.
when i come back my plants are dehydrated. all the leaves are wilted and most of the leaves are crispy and hard now.
so i feed water right away. hope its not gonna die. does it look really bad.dunno how bad it is. View attachment 465157 pls take a lookView attachment 465156