Dinafem Orange Juice, Purps #1, Cheese CBD, Dinamed Plus Ebb and Flow Rockwool SOG (Animatey)

I think you are right about them being harmless. I will still probably try to murder them as I don't use any beneficials etc. Hahaha

I would probably be better to wait until after harvest and then clean everything up, but I dunno. I just really hope they don't get in there...

I have been washing my hands up to my elbow and stripping down to my underwear before I go into the grow room...so hopefully I haven't brought any in there but only time will tell...

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I took a picture of mine, they are kinda cute which I know is strange, but I should have been an entomologist as I have been fascinated by insects/arachnids/bugs since I was a kid. My parents favorite story is when I was maybe 3-4 I picked up a huge beetle, kissed it, and it promptly latched it's mandibles to my lip. I was crying in pain as my dad pried it off, but was yelling through the snotty tears "don't huuuuurt itttt" :crying: And yes, as an "adult" I'm pretty freaking weird still :smoking: (but I don't kiss bugs anymore).

Here's a picture of my little friends from awhile back.

I took a picture of mine, they are kinda cute which I know is strange, but I should have been an entomologist as I have been fascinated by insects/arachnids/bugs since I was a kid. My parents favorite story is when I was maybe 3-4 I picked up a huge beetle, kissed it, and it promptly latched it's mandibles to my lip. I was crying in pain as my dad pried it off, but was yelling through the snotty tears "don't huuuuurt itttt" :crying: And yes, as an "adult" I'm pretty freaking weird still :smoking: (but I don't kiss bugs anymore).

Here's a picture of my little friends from awhile back.

View attachment 1078834
Dying over here imagining the kissing beatle scenario play out


Yours are crazy blue looking... Mine are like black and dark gray. I only saw one today inside (and promptly killed it, sorry) which is an improvement from earlier this week. Still no signs of them in the grow room but I'm not feeling optimistic about it.

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Dying over here imagining the kissing beatle scenario play out


Yours are crazy blue looking... Mine are like black and dark gray. I only saw one today inside (and promptly killed it, sorry) which is an improvement from earlier this week. Still no signs of them in the grow room but I'm not feeling optimistic about it.

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Too bad it's wasn't in today's age, 'cause they would have filmed it :crying:

I should have stated they look really blue as I had them in a small, clear cup and took a picture through an LED loupe with a blue light!
So they are grey. They kinda hop around in the rez.

I managed to nuke them with hydrogen peroxide, but watch the ratio if using with your plants. It strips all the good stuff out of your res and root zone tho, so even if not using biologicals I'm hesitant to recommend it. It may do the trick if the bugger show up tho, I can't recall the ratio to mix it depends on the strength of the H2O2 and what problem you are correcting. I always google it and check a number of resources. I'm not an organic grower in doors either, more a hybrid "this works and I didn't kill anything this round so I'll do it" kinda person :smoking:

I'm not sure of your location but if you are in the US then something like Hydroguard (it does contain beneficials) or similar cleans up the roots etc. so less to feed on. I tried mosquito dunks but they didn't seem to work. You guys down south have a lot more products than we do, so you may even want to post in the infirmary and get some recommendations from others as well.
You can tell I've got problems because I'm already planning on dealing with them and they may never even get in there lol...

My initial plan is to use Azamax in the rez. It's a neem oil concentrate, but damn it's expensive.

I looked it up, and the main ingredient in Raid kills them pretty good. I have sprayed... A lot... Around the perimeter of the room where my tent is.

In the other rooms where I have sprayed, their corpses are piling up....so hopefully they don't make it in there but I'm really not sure how it will go.

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Couple of hiccups, but so far so good.

  • pH Perfect is BS, at least in recirc systems.... They guarantee it will work for 7 days, but after only 5 I was reading 7.0 pH. I also think their bloom formula is too high in N. I did a top feed and collected the run off, and the run off was lower than what was going in. So they were in general underfed, but showing signs of too much N (dark green, clawing tips). Anyways, I'm running Lucas formula using GH, calibrating my meter every week and using pH down... It sucks but at least my pH is good.
  • Springtails.... they have not yet made it to my grow room, and hopefully they wont. They have invaded my whole house... I hired exterminator about 3 days ago and am seeing less of them. Really hoping they don't get in there as they will love the rockwool.
This plant was unhappy (about 4 days ago), due to pH, probably too much N, and a night of accidentally high humidity when I plugged the exhaust into the wrong timer. Her new growth is not clawed (the old growth still is) and she looks ok now, but this was her:
View attachment 1078597

Onto the good stuff:

I finished my CoB grow light, and I am very happy with it!!!

It is the best light I have had for sure.

It has solid intensity, and it is very evenly spread.

I get about 40k lux in the lowest points and 48k in the highest. These numbers should be above 500par across the whole tent, so I am definitely happy with it. It's actually a little higher in the corners than in the center, but just barely.

I used a different driver and different cobs, but this is the tutorial I followed:


Building the frame definitely taught me humility and how to curse. I had never done any work with metal before and it was definitely an experience...

I have done a few wiring projects before and this one was not tooo difficult because there was no soldering at all.

Here is the table before I got started:
View attachment 1078596

Here is the frame all laid out:
View attachment 1078598

Some of my cuts were not good... they were a little crooked and it made everything down the line harder. In the videos of the tutorial I watched it was clear the guy had done some of this stuff before as he made it look REALLY EASY... It wasn't lol.. not for me anyways. I spent probably 2 hours grinding holes I drilled to be bigger because I missed the actual spot I meant to drill despite measuring 3-4 times. Probably took me 20 hours total to put it together and wire it up.

Here it is with everything screwed on, and wired up:
View attachment 1078599

Here is what the bottom actually looks like with everything installed:
View attachment 1078600

And here it is in the tent:
View attachment 1078601

It pulls 300 actual watts from the wall, so a little more than 70 watts per CoB. I spaced them 24 inches apart which I feel was about right. At some heights it's more intense in the middle, and at other heights it's more intense in the corners, but it's never a big spread of numbers which I'm thinking must be awesome for a sog where plants take up the whole tent.

The girls are doing OK for approximately 11 days of 12/12 and 25 days of veg.

I'm flooding once a day right now and they seem to think that's OK.

Stretch is less than I thought it would be, not sure if that will be good or bad... hopefully they aren't done growing up, but at the same time I have had to remove some fan leaves to keep humidity down so that might not be helping.

Here is the group from the top:
View attachment 1078602

That's all I have this week, good luck in your gardens!

A couple of hiccups which have been corrected and things now look back on track :pass:

Love the new COB light, well built and will make a very cool addition to your growroom :thumbsup:

Keep the updates coming my friend :pass:

All the best :bong:

Quick update:

Nothing too huge going on here, things just sort of moving on OK.

I think stretch is over because the girls are eating much less.

They stretched A LOT... my day and night temps were close and the lighting is intense so I'm guessing they stretched excessively because of the "jungle effect".

Having all their leaves touching each other causes them to compete for height.

They were happy with 1.6 EC for the last 2-3 weeks, but they started to get some tip burn this week.

I did a few top feeds, lowering EC each time because the run off EC was always higher than what is going in...

So we are down to 1.0 EC from 1.6 now over the course of the last 4 days and the EC is now same going in and out.

I always water at the same time every day because they seem to enjoy the consistency, so I skip the daily flood and top feed.

Now that EC seems stable I will go back to flooding daily and top feeding only weekly.

I will not be using rockwool again. I like the ebb and flow but I want to go back to using hydroton as it is a lot easier to control EC in the root zone.

Many fan leaves have had to be removed to keep humidity in the 50s.

No springtails in my grow room (yet) and I am seeing less and less of them in my house so hopefully they are fading out of the picture. I found their main nest in my sprinkler control box outside and performed a nuclear bug holocaust using Bifen I/T.

Here are some pics taken today (day 25 of 12/12), I'm not sure if they are underdeveloped. They are definitely real leggy:


Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in your gardens!
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Quick update:

Nothing too huge going on here, things just sort of moving on OK.

I think stretch is over because the girls are eating much less.

They stretched A LOT... my day and night temps were close and the lighting is intense so I'm guessing they stretched excessively because of the "jungle effect".

Having all their leaves touching each other causes them to compete for height.

They were happy with 1.6 EC for the last 2-3 weeks, but they started to get some tip burn this week.

I did a few top feeds, lowering EC each time because the run off EC was always higher than what is going in...

So we are down to 1.0 EC from 1.6 now over the course of the last 4 days and the EC is now same going in and out.

I always water at the same time every day because they seem to enjoy the consistency, so I skip the daily flood and top feed.

Now that EC seems stable I will go back to flooding daily and top feeding only weekly.

I will not be using rockwool again. I like the ebb and flow but I want to go back to using hydroton as it is a lot easier to control EC in the root zone.

Many fan leaves have had to be removed to keep humidity in the 50s.

No springtails in my grow room (yet) and I am seeing less and less of them in my house so hopefully they are fading out of the picture. I found their main nest in my sprinkler control box outside and performed a nuclear bug holocaust using Bifen I/T.

Here are some pics taken today (day 25 of 12/12), I'm not sure if they are underdeveloped. They are definitely real leggy:

View attachment 1083819 View attachment 1083820 View attachment 1083821 View attachment 1083822

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in your gardens!
Looking good man . girls have great color. Your gonna have a tent full of huge buds . nice grow
Quick update:

Nothing too huge going on here, things just sort of moving on OK.

I think stretch is over because the girls are eating much less.

They stretched A LOT... my day and night temps were close and the lighting is intense so I'm guessing they stretched excessively because of the "jungle effect".

Having all their leaves touching each other causes them to compete for height.

They were happy with 1.6 EC for the last 2-3 weeks, but they started to get some tip burn this week.

I did a few top feeds, lowering EC each time because the run off EC was always higher than what is going in...

So we are down to 1.0 EC from 1.6 now over the course of the last 4 days and the EC is now same going in and out.

I always water at the same time every day because they seem to enjoy the consistency, so I skip the daily flood and top feed.

Now that EC seems stable I will go back to flooding daily and top feeding only weekly.

I will not be using rockwool again. I like the ebb and flow but I want to go back to using hydroton as it is a lot easier to control EC in the root zone.

Many fan leaves have had to be removed to keep humidity in the 50s.

No springtails in my grow room (yet) and I am seeing less and less of them in my house so hopefully they are fading out of the picture. I found their main nest in my sprinkler control box outside and performed a nuclear bug holocaust using Bifen I/T.

Here are some pics taken today (day 25 of 12/12), I'm not sure if they are underdeveloped. They are definitely real leggy:

View attachment 1083819 View attachment 1083820 View attachment 1083821 View attachment 1083822

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck in your gardens!

Nah you're golden, bud development for day 25 of 12/12 is fine, and even the leggy aspect, I think you got nice, tight internode spacing between the buds. Great job!