Thanks peeps. I read up on RSO when this surfaced a couple years ago. Her distaste for MJ and the thought of medicating with it, turned her off. Thankfully, she is turning around.
I will try the RSO with some, soon to harvest, Blueberry & Sour Blues, followed by Sour Crack. These may be indica dominant enough?
Will trichome development make a difference in RSO? Should I be aiming for more amber, I assume?
Thanks for the hugs too. I'll pass them on.
OK well in this case I'm assuming she has pain in her mouth/tongue? Where is ALL her pain?
Let me reiterate what root said. Sugar FEEDS cancer. Fighting cancer with cannabis requires a lot more than just taking oils and smoking flowers. You have to have a strict diet. NO SUGAR. NO PROCESSED FOODS. NO CARBONATED DRINKS. (carbon depletes oxygen in the blood... You want HIGH levels of oxygen in the blood!!) keep her pH high. In the alkaline... 7 ish area is great. You can check her pH with test strips. You can get a pack of like 100 strips off the net for like $1. Have her pee in a cup and dip the strip. Easy as that.
Sugar and processed foods are most important to avoid like the plague. pH and Oxygen in the blood are paramount.
There's a few things I can recommend to you right now I just need to know where all her pain is.
RSO takes a lot of bud. A pound. For the 90 day regimen.
Could you please see my last post here:
Also, if cann. is not decarbed, still other medical compounds are active?
I don't decarb anything anymore. In all the people I've treated with Coconut infused and VG hot infused there has never been any significant differences in effect and outcome whether decarbed or not. I know I all get arguments here but results are results.
My mother and her friend had two "spots of concern" on their bodies. Possible skin cancer I put them on canna infused coconut oil as a topical daily. 3 x a day until it went away. They both were followed up with at the Dermatologists and are now 100% cancer free.
There's more than one way to kill cancer with cannabis.
I am HARDCORE about THC. most will say CBD... Not THC. They are wrong... THC is a cancer killer just as much as CBD. I understand they don't like the effects but smoking and ingesting are two different things. Indicas and Indica doms will make her drowsy but not "high".
Harvest when Milky. Amber is degradation. You want it at PEAK so you can have the full medicinal properties from the terpines. Not as they are degrading. Cure is not a factor. Harvest, dry, make meds as soon as its dry.
SAD. Night Queen, Black Domina, White Widow, Critical +, Cream Mandarin, SBR-70, Blue Dream, .... I have to think more and revisit my notes...
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