... been to see the chief(sick mountain in B.C.) lately?
I been meaning to make the trip, I've been so busy this summer, though not a great excuse. I haven't been yet since I moved out here. Shame on me

timewarp ontop of the chief!!! that's what I'm talking about baby!!!!!
amazing view.. plant a peach tree up there and I swear buddah woulda chilled
That did it for me, time to schedule the hike...
im still just 4 hours away from my 420.
but its friday so it may get bumped up a few hours
Make sure you save some for me!
in the past, yes allot. right now no..i travel too much, right now and on top of that local laws stop me until full legalization. I am waiting until early next year, when we will hopefully move into a bigger space for me and the family that will allow me to have the space I need to grow not just my personal, but a few other plants like orchids and bonsai as well as incorporating an aquaponics system possibly.
I know I can get my card from health Canada, fuck that! i should not need government permission to grow, and in 2018 we will be legal to grow 4 plants. right now if they catch you growing without a license they can take your house!
If I were a prime minister and they came to me with arbitrary rules regarding cannabis legislation...