Live Stoner Chat OPINION: Who makes the best rolling papers?

I am mostly using RAW, king and regular size. I do have issues with about 50% glue not holding. Maybe I got shitty Chinese knock off copycat ones... Who knows. Got em off Amazon.

I also now religiously use husk filter tips. Either buy them from the official website or eBay.

I moved away from standard size and weight a few years back to decrease the amount of thick paper i was smoking needlessly polluting the expensive stuff inside! First to a generic hemp king size, then to RAW classic.
I was always tearing a strip off the bottom edge paper to make it narrower, with the only overlap being the gum strip, to minic "backstrapping" but by, well, rolling properly lol. So i moved to OCB Xpert Slim King Size, a 110mm x 37mm extra thin paper a few years back and have stuck there ever since. The RAW black are close, but the OCBs feel stronger but thinner.
I like a long tip or roach, dont want to set the face fur up, so i buy the RAW wide tips. Id love ti see a combi oack of narrow papers and wide tips sometime, but the packaging may be awkward.
1963 to 1970 standard white zig zag. then switched to club papers from Italy. used them until they stopped making them, or were too hard to find.
switched back to zig zag in 1974 until 2018. and switched to OCB pure hemp. that's what i use now. :cheers:
:smoking: Club (Modiano) is still out there, the SW and Bistro 1 1/2's at least,... the square pack is gone after that weird shortage a while back :shrug:
Still hard to beat for sheerness and super low ash! And less nasty paper taste thicker papers have...

@Son of Hobbes - how well do those cellulose papers work? More crispy feel I imagine,... no funky flavors?
I almost hate to admit it, but i love raw. I grew up on orange zig zags and i dont hate the clear ones. I dont ever use tops (too thick) and havent gotten to try much else. I buy a 500 pack of papers and tips for 12 bucks. Its hard not to go with it.
Someone needs to make a "find your paper" sample kit with all the brands.