Indoor Onyx vs Mi5 (vs your personal suggestion)

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I think you would like 20/4 better. Sounds like the 12 hours darkness and being root bound is causing your plants to stretch. How far apart was your node spacing?

I too try to keep my various plants on the shorter side and use 4" (1 1/2 ltr) pots in a tent under 400whps....I also
run my light 12/12 on all my autos...yeah I know I'm reducing yeild but I grow 5 or 6 at a time and only for myself and to share with special friends so healthy plants are my goals with yeilds being secondary.
That being said, I've had lowlifes, short stuffs, lowryders all got 24" and up with a few staying under the 14-15" size.....
I, for one, have never had a good onyx grow and have over 30 seeds in stock...I had such great hopes for'em that just hasn't panned out like some others I've had...They seem to fatten but during dry, they turn to wispy light buds....good smoke but just not the buds that others grown right beside them under the same conditions have done....My next onyx run will be when weather turns cooler so I can run my tent 20/4 and see if it will change things....Right now, I get my make up air from a crawl space and suppliment that with a diverted ac duct to keep temps controlled and run only at night....
The ruderalis used in developing autos came from colder climates so autos, in general, seem to be pretty hardy. I've had them outdoors till mid November, just moved indoors for the night when the threat of frost. However, keep in mind that growth will slow considerably once the roots cool down that much. And BTW, AA gets just a big as Onxy and Mi5. If you want a short plant look at the Low Life seed line. Things like Hindu Kush and White Russian are smaller plants. Also Snowryder from Short Stuff.
Thats good news, I dont really get frosts here just the odd rain that can last a few days. Also I will look into the snow ryder, do you have any yields to show for? Its a bit to indica for this round but I will def consider this strain for a future grow.

The ruderalis used in developing autos came from colder climates so autos, in general, seem to be pretty hardy. I've had them outdoors till mid November, just moved indoors for the night when the threat of frost. However, keep in mind that growth will slow considerably once the roots cool down that much. And BTW, AA gets just a big as Onxy and Mi5. If you want a short plant look at the Low Life seed line. Things like Hindu Kush and White Russian are smaller plants. Also Snowryder from Short Stuff.
Thats good news, I dont really get frosts here just the odd rain that can last a few days. Thanks for the info m8 ;)

I too try to keep my various plants on the shorter side and use 4" (1 1/2 ltr) pots in a tent under 400whps....I also run my light 12/12 on all my autos...yeah I know I'm reducing yeild but I grow 5 or 6 at a time and only for myself and to share with special friends so healthy plants are my goals with yeilds being secondary.
That being said, I've had lowlifes, short stuffs, lowryders all got 24" and up with a few staying under the 14-15" size.....
I, for one, have never had a good onyx grow and have over 30 seeds in stock...I had such great hopes for'em that just hasn't panned out like some others I've had...They seem to fatten but during dry, they turn to wispy light buds....good smoke but just not the buds that others grown right beside them under the same conditions have done....My next onyx run will be when weather turns cooler so I can run my tent 20/4 and see if it will change things....Right now, I get my make up air from a crawl space and suppliment that with a diverted ac duct to keep temps controlled and run only at night....

your set up sounds interesting. I too, want to do a short light cycle. Like.. 14hours-on or something.. What is your yield usually with those 1.5L pots and how many do you fit under that hps? Do you have any experience with other short stuff seeds?
On average I'd have to say about 40 grams plus or minus.

Thats good news, I dont really get frosts here just the odd rain that can last a few days. Also I will look into the snow ryder, do you have any yields to show for? Its a bit to indica for this round but I will def consider this strain for a future grow.
Lowryder seems a bit to smelly for my op, + the price for join doctore seeds is to high to be honest :(

Some can smell - so good catch on your end! Might not be in your best interest. As far as price....well, I will agree.

I will give some extra space to my grow by removing a shelf (its all a DIY wardrobe) So i will have nearly 4ft. (110cm), I also will do some hardcore LST'ing, I plan on bending them slowly to achieve a 90' vertical growth once the tops reach a good height (closest possible to the light in the 5" - 16" 250hps range). Do you think that this kind of training will cause to much shock? or that the plants will still outgrow my space?

LST'ing shouldn't stress them too much. Just do it slowly. I use very thin fishing line and tie a noose knot, so that you can slowly tighten up the line. Pull it down an inch each day and you shouldn't see negative effects.
I use fine string (for sewing) and stick the two ends to the flower pot. Im thinking of doing it pretty much scrog style, maybe even in a scrog pre set up - though I imagine I would have to use something stronger to make a screen.. Thanks for mentioning fishing line :) You think making a screen would be more beneficial?

---------- Post added 09-01-2011 at 07:17 PM ----------

p.s. as LST advise, i should mention that tilting the pot by placing a small object in a set place underneath it has helped me get over some sticky situations in the past.
Its all in what works best for you. A screen would work fine, and most go that route, but I just pull down individaul branches w/ the fishing line. With autos, you don't get crazy side branching like photos, so I never have had the need for a screen.

The fishing line works nice in that I can keep adjusting the line tighter. Then when the branch is trained to be horizontal- I loosen the knot and move the line further out and tighten again to pull down the new growth. Its just the technique that I have come used to doing. Personally I think a screen would be a nightmare when it comes time to harvest.
If you say so I will go down the fishing line route, the screen probably isn't going to be such a good idea and I have some good experience with LST'ing anyway.
A screen makes it easy for photos as the side branches can get crazy. However, most autos have a main cola with very few side branches. Grow it out and if the fishing line is too much work, use a screen next time. You will quickly find a technique that works best for you.
Im pretty confident with the tieing, as my latest grow was a VERY LATE white whidow. I stressed it with every mean, though it was a real wus. It would always be the first to thirst, the first to dry up, the first to cry for food, the first to get nute burned.. A real fussy lady, Im not at all sure how close this was to the real ww deal either though it did look like one. It took for ever to show sex (2-3 months) and for ever to finish (3months+) I kept it under 2ft. in height - wasn't easy but at least she was stressed like crazy! she would have been ..A MONSTER imo. I have one more question for any1 experienced with the mi5/onyx series (maybe muddy). How much will they stretch until from week 4.5 to finish? Im trying to plan out carefully to control height, il be reading a bunch of journals these days and keeping notes. I might stick to these strains and even right a nice guide after a couple of goes..